August COVID-19 Newsletter


Message from MVC’s Director Brad Wilson 

Eight months ago, none of us could have imagined anything like COVID-19! Many people have been impacted financially, mentally, and socially during this pandemic. The impact has been broad, and the pain has been deep. If things are like this in the first world, we cannot imagine the impact COVID-19 has on the third world when economies shut down.

 At MVC, we have seen God’s blessing through this entire pandemic because many people, like you, have sacrificially given to support a variety of causes and projects. What was the biggest need over the past four months? Food. Because of you, many children and families were provided food relief in these desperate situations. Because of you, stomachs were filled, needs were met. But, the need is still so great.

Because of this enormous need, MVC is developing a plan for greater exposure through social media outlets. This has always been our hopes, but time was not on our side. With the outbreak of COVID-19, this has allowed us to focus on our areas of improvement. With Mae Cruz being away on sick leave since May, we have hired Hannah Campbell as a Communications Specialist to fulfill the networking responsibilities.  We have witnessed God’s provision many times amidst the challenges of pandemic living, and we continue to pray that needs will continue to be met.

The following stories give overview to many of the continued struggles that are reality to many of our project sites. We hope that through these stories, lives will be impacted and changed. 


Imagine with me for a moment: you are hungry, and your grocery store only receives irregular deliveries of food. When the food does arrive, there are long line ups for the little food that is available. Often when you reach the front of the line, most of the items have been taken and the must store close. If there are items when you get inside, stipulations of one item per person are enforced. You buy what is permitted, as supplies are limited, but it is barely sufficient for your monthly needs. Those who can somehow purchase more are then exploiting you from selling the items at a higher cost. With less buying power, the result is less food. Going without meals becomes more regular; not out of choice, but rather out of necessity.

Sadly, this is the situation in some areas of Cuba where the situation has gone from difficult to desperate. Recently, in our communication with our workers, we are hearing of people hurting, depressed, and silently suffering as the first world grapples with concerns of the first world. Yet their exuberant and joy-filled faith is so strong. For the majority of us, we have never had to experience hardships like many do in this world. Living in a land of plenty, we seemingly lose sight of the struggles of the fellow believers who suffer for the sake of Christ daily. Where material possessions and access to food is in short supply, their faith far exceeds ours. When we acknowledge this, there is so much we can learn!

We have raised over $63,000 thus far to directly feed families in Cuba, Kenya, Peru, and Guatemala, and young children who are suffering during this pandemic. Although our Canadian economic activities have resumed, the food relief efforts continue in these projects abroad. Your support goes directly to those we support and their communities. If you feel led to support our efforts in Cuba, please click to donate.



Over the past couple of months, many have given so generously to bring relief supplies and food to many people in the Nebaj region. Many have sat down at a table with food because of what you provided!

The food provided to “E’s” survival was so critical (photo on the left). When the Guatemalan team recently arrived with food, they found out that both her and her husband are blind. They normally survive by her husband earning income by chopping wood and selling it. Yet, with the economic shutdowns, the money has not been available for their clients to spend. They have five young hungry children.

The elderly couple – pictured on the right – live alone. While they have children in the surrounding villages, none have come to see them, nor expressed concern about their well-being. They solely depend on the graciousness of others in the community.

Your support to the relief efforts is impacting lives! As the world struggles with the impact of COVID-19, we can gain peace and strength from Jesus who said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world!”. Your support is making an immediate impact in the lives of so many people. Words cannot express the gratitude of those living in the Nebaj region.  Thank you! If you feel led by God to provide financial support to these communities click to donate.


Connect with Us

If you have not yet followed us on all our social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram), please do so to receive weekly updates on our efforts. Without your support, our projects would not be possible. We survive based on the networks YOU bring to our charity.

If you, or someone you know, is wanting to volunteer as part of an engaging and hard working team to bring Jesus and help to the world – we are always open to welcome new helpers.  If you know someone who would be interested in learning more about us, please send them our way!

If financially you cannot support us at this time, providing us a review on our Facebook page and sharing our name would help immensely. Through these networks, we are confident God will introduce the right people at the right time to partner with us in our efforts to create sustainable projects worldwide.





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