We Are More Than An Organization
We are a movement of people who seek to address poverty holistically by addressing the spiritual, relational, and material needs of the poor and disempowered. We strive to live out our faith and demonstrate the love and teachings of Jesus through service. We join hands with our Project Partners worldwide as they utilize their local assets to strengthen their communities. We train and send volunteers on trips and internships to work alongside and learn from our partners in their work. We believe we are all broken. Our humble outlook postures us to empower the leaders of each project in their poverty alleviation initiatives. We do more than just financial aid and building infrastructure—we build communities, relationships, hope, and assurance in God.
Our international community development philosophy has been influenced and guided by ‘The Chalmers Center,’ whose research and trainings aim to shape how churches and Christian nonprofits think about and respond to poverty. We focus on community assets, local participation and leadership initiatives, integrated discipleship and sharing of the gospel, and financial accountability of donations being used to step closer to long-term self-sufficiency.

“Poverty is the result of relationships that do not work, that are not just, that are not for life, that are not harmonious or enjoyable. […] Poverty alleviation is the ministry of reconciliation: moving people closer to glorifying God by living in right relationship with God, with self, with others, and with the rest of creation.”
- Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert, in their book “When Helping Hurts; How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor… and Yourself”
ImpactHope was established in 1992 and operated as Missionary Ventures Canada until 2021. Our work was initially based in Guatemala, primarily in education and building schools. Short-term teams of volunteers served and provided the material and extra hands to build several schools in the remote areas of Huehuetenango. Since then, our work has expanded to causes in 12 countries – Canada, Caribbean, Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti & Dominican Republic, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Peru, Niger and Zambia – to support locally identified needs.
Our work is at the grassroots level, primarily working together with national and North American partners. These partners assess the needs of a community on a personal deeper level and, together with the community, find appropriate ways to address those needs. Through these partnerships, we support projects that address the needs identified by the national leaders and implement solutions that they develop.