
Lusaka, Zambia

About The Location & History

The Grace Project International (TGPI) runs The Grace Project Training Center (Formerly known as The Grace Institute Zambia (TGIZ)), its first school in Zambia. It aims to train pastors who have a calling to serve but face educational and financial obstacles that prevent them from attending established Bible colleges and seminaries. Unfortunately, as many as 85% to 90% of the estimated 3.0 million pastors and ministry leaders around the world struggle to access good theological education and ministry training. To address this gap, TGPI has developed The Grace International Satellite School Partnership to achieve two objectives.

  1. Firstly, graduating students can earn money by starting their own TGI-affiliated school.
  2. Secondly, TGI can be decentralized to conduct classes in any location. This will reduce transportation costs for students facing transportation difficulties and increase student enrollment.

In 2023, TGPI is prepared to enter the next phase of its ministry. They have developed accredited curriculums and a comprehensive Teacher’s Manual to ensure that the teachings of future generations of schools are standardized. Now, they plan to expand into other regions of Zambia and beyond. The next phase of TGPI’s model involves collaborating with and training essential leaders interested in setting up accredited TGPI Satellite Schools in their area.

Who Are We Partnering With?

Brian and Muriel Windsor have always been enthusiastic supporters of Christian workers in Canada and abroad. In April of 2008, Brian went on a short-term trip to Lusaka, Zambia, and it was there that God gave him a dream and a love for the Zambian people. Results from surveys and research conducted between 2013 and 2014 opened up opportunities for their first pilot class, affiliated with the African Research University, launched in January 2015. After two years of pilot pastoral training, they identified a need for high-quality Study Bibles and Bible school curriculums.

In their pursuit of a suitable curriculum, TGI partnered with the Bible Training Centre for Pastors (BTCP). Brian was trained by BTCP in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, in 2018, and TGI adopted their 10-course curriculum as its core program. During this time, they also discovered a Study Bible that proved helpful.

It wasn’t until 2018 that the project’s long-term vision became clear – to train pastors who not only receive an accredited theological education but also possess the skills to train others. This led to development of an accredited program and manuals to equip future generations of pastors and trainers.

In 2022, with the appointment of Choolwe Kaira as the new Executive Director and the implementation of standardized materials and programs, TGPI is now fully prepared to expand its operations. Rev. Andrew Sakala, a graduate of the Birmingham Bible Institute in the UK, serves as the director of the Institute.

THE FOUNDERS OF TGPI - Brian & Muriel Windsor.
Meet the staff at TGIZ!

What Is The Initiative?

THE PROBLEM: 3.6 million pastors and ministry leaders worldwide cannot access good quality, grace-based, theological education, and ministry training. This deficit negatively affects pastoral health, church health, and societal health.

WHY? Pastors who are not trained Biblically cannot think, live, or teach Biblically.

WHAT’S TGPI’S SOLUTION? Grace-based theological education and ministry training that is accessible, transformational, and indigenous. The Grace Project International was created to address the great need to provide training and education for pastors at a high-quality level and economically for those struggling financially. If a pastor is well trained, not only is their church impacted, but the entire community is transformed by their leadership!

EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY: There are three main tenets which make TGI’s educational philosophy unique among schools of theology – Grace-Based Theology, Transformational and Outcome Based Education (OBE).

THE VISION: To be the world’s most accessible and transformational indigenous Bible colleges and ministry training centers that testify to the gospel of God’s grace.

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Why is TGPI/TGTC so important?

Where does TGPI/TGTC ‘fit’ in the theological education/ministry training landscape?

85%-90% of untrained pastors cannot access quality theological education and ministry training in Zambia. Most churches do not require minimum qualifications to lead churches here. This remains a real challenge for the nation.

TGPI/TGTC is positioned to ‘bridge the gap’  between this problem faced by the church and the current pathway for pastoral qualifications. 

TGTC is making accredited Theological Education & Ministry Training accessible to all!

Causes Being Addressed: