
The Grace Project-Africa (April 2021 Update)


THE GRACE PROJECT-AFRICA  (April 2021 Updates)

As I write this, we are all celebrating the Passover – the period in time where Jesus gave His life as a ransom for ours so that we could be reconciled back to the Father, His anger toward all those in Christ completely appeased and we, now able to have the confidence that we are spending eternity with Him both in this life and in the next. (1 John 5:12-13)

Romans 8:16 encourages us that the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God. The Holy Spirit was given to us, and He is the seal of our salvation.

In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit was not always with God’s people the way He is with us now. He only came upon them as and when God wanted to do something through a particular individual. However after Jesus rose from the dead, and our sin was dealt with permanently – for those who believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit is able to dwell with us at all times and we are encouraged not to grieve Him by acting in ways that are not consistent with aour new nature.

We are redeemed, we are a new creation and we are able to walk in a close relationship with God because of what the Passover reminds us of – Jesus died, rose again from death to life and is now seated at the right hand of the Father.


On the 29th of March 2021 we re-opened TGI classes with us doing the first 4 days of orientation.

All the students, both new and returning were excited that we had begun and we were pleased to have Brian and Murial join us for the first day via ZOOM. It was a trial experiment to see if we could do this and it worked so well that Brian joined us again on day 3 and 4 as we explored more from scripture whether God was angry with a believer if the believer sinned. It was a time of fellowship and questions as we came to our conclusions.

When we return again on the 6th of April we will be doing course book 1 with the first year students as we break into groups allowing the 2nd years to mentor the 1st. Come July the classes will break into two groups as we look towards graduating the 2nd year students in December.

We are still meeting at the Lusaka Hotel who have kindly given us space to use for the classes and we are ever so thankful for their continued support.


On the left of Andy is Karen Taylor. She joins the TGP-A team as Team and Partner Support and comes with a background in law as well as having run several NGO’s in the past. As we look towards ensuring that the Partnership Program recently intruduced works in expanding our reach in Pastor Training she will ensure that we have all that we need in proper order so that we can succeed in what we are aiming for.


We are pleased to say that we have managed to meet the required budget for the month of March. As we look to expand and increase our influence in the city and country we continue to pray that we have an increase in both students as well as those with a desire that is acted upon to support us financially.

We continue to trust that our desire to increase our budget from K30,000 per month to K45,000 will be realised. As we head towards recruiting more students we will also need to increase the number of course books we order as well as bibles. Each student needs at least K2,800 in course materials and as you are all aware our Lead Pastors Scholarship enables a Lead Pastor to only pay K1,000 yet still receive all the course materials. We need to ensure that the amount given as a scholarship is met so that we can ensure that we continue to give a quality education. The K2,800 of course does not even cater for other operational costs incurred as we run the school.

– Basil Ray


To Pray for:

  1. Protection as we hold physical classes
  2. All students and team members remain focused during lessons
  3. Continued growth in our partnership program
  4. more inroads as we contact pastors and churches in the coming months

To Praise for:

  1. We have been able to start classes in the month of March
  2. Brian and Murial were able to join us via ZOOM
  3. All the students have are back and learning
  4. We were able to meet our budget for March

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