Haiti (Medical)

Medical Missions in Haiti

ImpactHope has partnered with a medical team led by Haitian Fabienne Goutier as they reach remote Haitian villages to provide regular dental & ophthalmological, OB/GYN, pediatric, and dermatological services to marginalized peoples forgotten by the government and society. Their commitment to reaching remote Haitian villages and providing much-needed medical services to marginalized communities is a testament to the power of compassion and dedication. By reminding these communities that they are not forgotten, they spread hope and make a real impact.

Help the Team Reach 1,200 people in the Next Village!

The team’s goal is to secure $14,500 CAD ($11,000 USD) in funding to make this possible. Their mission is to embody Christ’s compassion by extending medical aid to the underserved communities of Haiti through their upcoming pop-up clinic. 

About The Location & History

The healthcare situation in Haiti continues to be a significant challenge. According to recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO), Haiti has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the Western Hemisphere, with an estimated 359 deaths per 100,000 live births. Additionally, only about half of births in Haiti are attended by skilled health personnel, leading to increased risks for both mothers and infants. The lack of access to quality healthcare services, scarcity of medical resources, and infrastructure limitations contribute to the dire situation in the country. As a result, medical mission work carried out by volunteers becomes crucial to fill the gaps and provide essential medical care to vulnerable populations in Haiti, offering hope and saving lives. (Source: World Health Organization (WHO), “Haiti: WHO Statistical Profile,” September 2021)

Medical Mission work has brought hope and comfort to the most vulnerable in Haiti.

Who Are We Partnering With?

ImpactHope has partnered with Haitian-American Fabienne Germain Goutier, born in New York and subsequently raised in Haiti. Fabienne graduated from Miami Dade Medical College in 2005 as a nurse. From the time she graduated, God was preparing her heart to serve in her home country of Haiti. The final sign came when the door was opened for her to volunteer as a nurse to assist the hospital in treating victims of the 2010 Haitian earthquake that shook the world.

There, she was offered the position of a medical coordinator for a faith-based organization to treat the most vulnerable. She served, alongside her husband and two daughters, for 11 years until the world was once again shocked by the global pandemic. Awaiting a call to serve in this new crisis, in 2021, she flew back to the United States to work in a covid crisis center in Georgia.

Tragically, in September 2021, Fabienne experienced four strokes within a span of three months. The fourth stroke left her paralyzed on the left side of her body, rendering her unable to speak, swallow, walk, or use her left hand. As she spent months hospitalized, the doctors worked tirelessly to save her life and provide support to her devasted husband and children. Despite this tragedy, Fabienne credits her survival to the grace of God. Over time, with God’s guidance, she has gradually regained much of her body’s strength and function. Even though she still is experiencing a slight limp, she continues to work hard to regain full use of her left arm and hand. Through it all, Fabienne believes that God has a purpose for her, and she is ready to fulfill it with her heart, mind, and the support of her team.

Fabienne is thankful for her recovery and believes that God has a purpose for her through it all.
Despite challenges brought about by strokes, Fabienne credits her survival to the grace of God and her family's support.

What Is The Initiative?

Numerous individuals in Haiti face significant barriers to accessing or affording medical assistance. Recognizing this reality, Fabienne and her team, comprised of 10 medical professionals, security, soccer program coordinators, and a pastor take on the responsibility of reaching out to remote villages. Their mission entails offering dental, ophthalmological, obstetric/gynecological, pediatric, and dermatological services in their one-week pop-up clinics to those marginalized and neglected by the government and society. Through their efforts, they strive to address the healthcare needs of individuals who would otherwise be left without adequate medical support and instill sustainable solutions to prevent or treat the major presented illnesses.

Each village they partner with requires the collaboration of local pastors to influence the participation of the entire community. With each partner village, the team commits to conducting mobile clinics every quarter for 4-5 years. The local church is essential in connecting to each town, as they pray and encourage villagers to be seen by a Christian medical group. Resistance has been most notable in towns with high percentages of voodoo. These demonic forces play a significant role in trapping the locals in poverty, a fact proven in the research of The Chalmers Center and captured in this video (https://chalmers.org/resources/videos/broken-people-broken-systems-demonic-forces/). This is the general timeframe they have witnessed notable changes in the local community’s development and a decrease in reoccurring illnesses.

Their exit strategy for each community involves mapping the community’s assets and working with the locals to develop infrastructure that prevents many of the presented common illnesses, such as high blood pressure, infections, diabetes, malnutrition, fever, and more. In some instances, their exit strategy involved constructing above-ground cisterns to collect water and implementing drip systems to irrigate gardens in arid regions, aiming to prevent malnutrition. They also established water filtration systems to combat cholera caused by drinking unfiltered river water. In addition to healthcare initiatives and building infrastructure, Fabienne’s team offers educational classes to empower community leaders. The goal is that when the team moves to another partner village, the local Christian community leaders will be equipped with sustainable solutions to prevent or treat the main illnesses presented.

Currently, her team has been limited to partnering with only four churches in the villages of Kenscoff, Cap Haitian, Aux Cayes, and Pignon – towns they have been visiting for three years. This limitation has been due to the current gang violence and treacherous Haitian roads that prevent safe passage for vehicles.
