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From Haiti, Medical Project

December 2023: Visit to Kenscoff and Fort Jacques

During her December trip, Fabienne had a dual mission.

Fabienne had planned to meet with the pastors that her organization had worked with in Haiti for the past ten years. The objective of the meeting was to assess their needs and pray for guidance on how to continue the missions.

She also wanted to assess the terrain in Haiti for herself, as the media had portrayed the country in a negative light.

Furthermore, Fabienne had intended to meet with her organization members to discuss the stress they had been experiencing for the past few years due to political turmoil.

July 2023

Embark on a captivating journey of resilience, faith, and the extraordinary in the remote village of Lacoma, Haiti!

Fabienne and her fearless medical team share their story of defying spiritual warfare and deep-rooted voodoo practices to bring hope and healing to marginalized communities. 

Discover their incredible story of triumph over adversity, from constructing a life-changing water cistern to nurturing a flourishing garden. Secrets of unwavering faith and the transformative power of prayer ignited a renewed sense of hope within the community.

Uncover the hidden depths of their remarkable journey here.