Most Recent Updates
From Casa Ben, Cozumel

You can also find all of Faye’s updates on her Facebook page here.

September 2024: A Heartwarming Story

We’re sharing a special story from Faye and Kevin—Jose is a little boy with an incredible smile. Jose, who was born with a serious heart condition, recently received a pair of glasses from Casa Ben, and it brought so much joy to his face. His mother brings him to Casa Ben on a three-wheeled bicycle to pick up food and connect with the community. Recently, Jose’s mother was in tears, and our team gathered around her, praying for strength and healing.

Though Casa Ben recently celebrated its 5th anniversary on July 1st, their work continues every single day, and we’ve seen countless miracles along the way. Your support has made it possible for them to keep feeding hungry bellies, sharing hope, and building trust within this community.

We need your prayers and support for Kevin and Faye, and we invite you to be part of Casa Ben’s ongoing journey. Your donations help them continue providing food, love, and care to those in need in Cozumel. 

Let’s continue making a difference together! 

June 2024: Ben’s Birthday Party

“Casa Ben handed out food and gifts to about 450 or more people that night. It was a hard night emotionally for us, but we did it together. Hoping to partner with our friends again this December.

If you want a Casa Ben t-shirt, it can be arranged for a donation!”  

– Faye

June 2024

“Our new ride is a 2002 Jeep. It took almost 2.5 weeks to get insurance, but we now have it. It allows us to drive a few people safely home, and Kevin’s hips are starting to hurt after a few years of walking miles most days to buy and deliver food and to meet people for several reasons. His body is aging, and we laugh together as we both feel it at times. Kevin will celebrate 66 years on July 11.”

– Faye

June 2024

“Cooking fried rice one day, all the things in this pot are freshly chopped beans were soaked and boiled and spiced up. It’s a lot of work, but Casa Ben wants the food to leave a memory to keep them coming back. Thank you for your financial support that allows this to happen, but more than anything, thank you for your prayers for safety and knowledge to know how to make the food. Mui Rico.” – Faye

May 23, 2024

Kevin performed with the Jimmy Buffett tribute band to a full house at Mr. Sancho’s on Thursday, performing for an audience of 1,500 people.

Watch the video on Facebook here.

May 22, 2024

Here are some updates from Faye:

Casa Ben fed some hungry bellies cheese soufflé tonight. These two crazies thought it was delicious with chopped up hotdogs added to the mixture! Kevin had a extra special night tonight, lots of these people come and go as they get jobs and don’t need food but one of his guys that had been on drugs came tonight and needed clothes for a new job. He was ever so excited to tell Kevin he has been clean for 4 months and just got a job but had no clothes really to wear to work. Let’s just say Kevins wardrobe shrunk a bit today and we had some men’s t-shirts donated by a dear friend here on the island, Kevin gave him what he needed to make him feel presentable to his new employer. Talk about being grateful; this dear man knows he has a friend who has his back. These people have come to trust Kevin and here that is no easy feat. Kevin’s line as he impersonates George W Bush. Stay the course! If we all work together we can change these peoples worlds. Kevin says everyday He looks for that one person, sometimes it’s more than one but he feels he wins the day when he can come home and say I found the one today!
June 1 we celebrate 5 years as Casa Ben! If you are able to donate towards this day please do so on the website and message me your donation is marked for our 5th Anniversary. We need about $1000.00 Canadian dollars to look after about 100 to 200 people. Depending on how much we receive will depend on how much we can do to bless them. Thank you in advance! (CAD or USD) More to come on this event.”

May 16, 2024

Here are some updates from Faye:

“Casa Ben fed some more hungry bellies. This meal is truly in memory of our dear friend Frank. You see Frank was an orphan. When him and Kevin would visit he would explain to Kevin about the life of being an orphan. He shed great light on orphan life to us. His dream was to help us love on the orphans that one day we will have as part of Casa Ben, I believe a part of it we will call after Frank in his memory. He explained that two American couples ran the orphanage and loved on him and the rest of the kids. It really helped his loneliness and he told us how not to treat an orphan and what to make sure we did and didn’t do. He was that guy that stood with Kevin at every family party and they would willingly serve everyone while laughing and teasing each other. We will miss you Frank, you will never be forgotten by Casa Ben. Although he wasn’t a fan of my Canadian cooking he always ate what I made and said only a few words lol. We will never forget you Frank.
Tonight’s dinner homemade Canadian beans and wieners.”

May 15, 2024

“Casa Ben fed some hungry bellies again tonight. I am sharing pictures of our “new” kitchen. Lol
I have a big stove and a big fridge and full size kitchen sink. And yes those are all the dishes from making dinner tonight. We are happy to have this place we saw it 2 years ago and we weren’t able to secure it for ourselves but when our flight landed on April 27 and we turned our phones on there was a message asking us if we were still interested. The current owners did a major renovation we have brand new furniture and beds. We are ever so grateful and we have a yard to sit out in to get some Sun. We loved our other apartment but we did out grow it.
Thank you once again for your prayers they are working.” – Faye

May 9, 2024

“Casa Ben. It’s Mothers Day tomorrow/ Friday. These are a few moms that have been coming each time we share food with those in need. A eye dr in Preston we have been going to donated a suitcase of eye glasses, tonight Kevin started handing them to those in need, not just to those we feed but to those who have talked with Kevin on his route to hand out the food over the years he has made so many friends along the way. I guess not having a car has it’s blessings but boy is it hot out now. Heat advisory in effect the next few days. Anyway It brought tears to my eyes as he with all the expressions and his Spanglish and of course theatrics that Kevin can do so well, explained his evening to me. My hubby makes these people laugh amoungst there pain of poverty. What a gift he has! When we’re back in Canada if you want to hear the stories we can make that happen. Lol. He will make you laugh but the stories will likely make you cry. We appreciate all your support in prayers and right now we are in need of some financial support, a few things we aren’t at liberty to discuss happened and we know our God will provide, if you can make a small donation of $10 it will feed close to 15 people. I must apologize we have been moving since we arrived in Cozumel, we are getting to old for this lol. But thank you for your patience, I will be updating the website and doing regular posts starting next week.

I promise for lots of updates to start again and thank you for all your support. It’s so very much appreciated.” – Faye


April 2, 2024

“Casa Ben has been continuing to feed those that are in need of meals. Julia is doing the work of three people and is happy to be serving. I asked her to send pictures to share, Her response was I don’t like my left hand to know what my right hand is doing. Meaning she feeds these souls because they have a soul not for her to be thanked or noticed but because she too is called to show love to those that are in extreme poverty and in desperate life situations. These faces are real and desperate and this is their real life. They don’t often look to the future because they are only trying to survive today. They will hardly ever take extra, they say no this is enough, give to someone who has needs.
We are booked to leave to go back the end of April. We will be doing a live event if we can when we arrive on the island. If not we will do our best to post it on our new website. There should be a blog soon as well for you to be able to see what we are able to safely share. We just ask you for continued prayers for safety for our people and provision to provide for them.” – Faye