December 2020 Updates


December 2020 Updates

Click Play Above to Hear a Personal Message from the MVC Office!

If you would like to give a Gift of Life this Christmas / Make a Year-End Donation, Click Here!


“Dear Friends,

2020 has been a year of challenges for many of us. MVC has also faced many challenges in 2020 and we have seen God answer and work in many astonishing ways. Your generous support throughout this year has impacted the lives of many people who are often in more difficult circumstances than what many of us find ourselves dealing with in Canada.

Imagine living in a country where there is little if any government financial support. Imagine standing in line all day to get some oil, beans, and a chicken, only to find out when you reach the front of the line, that there is no longer any food available. Imagine, going to a store and seeing prices increase 600%! This is what many of our brothers and sisters have endured around the world during this crisis.

When we put out an appeal in April of this year, your hearts responded and over $70,000 was raised for the poor and needy during the early stages of COVID-19. In Guatemala alone, over 500 families were given food that would last a month during the worst time of the crisis. Your gifts fed hundreds of people around the world.

There are now 2 weeks remaining in 2020 and we are asking for your generous support for the causes that we are involved with around the world.

You can let our brothers and sisters know that they are not forgotten in their struggle and you can stand with them, not only as 2020 closes, but as a new year begins. Gifts of Life is a campaign that provides the opportunity for donors like you to give a gift and know that it will make an impact in someone else’s life.

Our goal for this month is $120,000. We are over halfway to reaching our target for the funding of our projects in the month of December. When we recorded the video above, we were seeking to raise another $55,000 and since then, we are grateful to say that we only need $20,000 more to make our year end goal! Would you consider closing out the 2020 year with a special gift to MVC? Your gift will bring hope where it is needed – in causes that impact children, families, and communities.”

Thank You | Muchas Gracias!
We wish you and your loved ones all the best this Christmas 
– MVC Staff.

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