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Evelyn’s Testimony: How KEDHAP saved the dreams of a little girl from Kenya.


How KEDHAP changed Evelyn’s Life

“Most often than not, it takes only one person to believe in you and make you see the light…” – Rochelle Evelyn, Proud KEDHAP Alumnus

The likelihood of exclusion from education is most problematic among young women in sub-Saharan Africa, where 49.8 per cent of the female youth population has either no or limited education.* (

According to a new UN report launched last year, less than 50% of working-age women are in the labour market, a figure that has barely changed over the last quarter of a century! As the pandemic threatens to erode the limited gains that have been made, there are organizations like KEDHAP that shine a ray of hope on the lives of girls like Evelyn.

Humble beginnings, Big Dreams

Evelyn did not hold back her ambitions despite the challenges brought on by life circumstances. Evelyn is a third-year student at the African Nazarene University in Kenya, who is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in mass communications.

Evelyn speaks with confidence and her eyes sparkle with happiness as she talks about her career aspirations.  Her desire was always to become a PR practitioner, but life had not been very easy for her. Born to a young mother in village in Kisumu County, Evelyn’s father passed away when she was in Grade 1. This tragic loss plunged the family into financial insecurity. Evelyn’s family struggled to finance her education, so much so that Evelyn would possibly drop out of High School. But the hand of God came to her aid, in the form of KEDHAP. KEDHAP provided sanitary supplies, underwear, and counseling for girls in poor households in Evelyn’s village. To Evelyn, KEDHAP was the family that came through at the right time! KEDHAP restored her faith in God and reinforced her belief that anything was possible with hard work and determination.

Thanks to timely financial assistance from KEDHAP, Evelyn was able to complete school and embark on her journey towards becoming a successful PR professional.

Today, Evelyn is filled with happiness and poise as she shares her story with the world. It is truly a privilege to impact the life of such a positive girl. She is grateful that KEDHAP will provide the support needed for other girls in her village as well. Watch her testimony below, as she shares her story with us.

Would you like to become part of Evelyn’s story and that of many girls like her? Give the gift of education and hope to other girls by supporting KEDHAP.

“I am here today, because of the help from KEDHAP. I am so happy that in a year or less, I will be graduating with my first degree in Bachelor of Communications and Public Relations major.”


KEDHAP: Kenya Economic Development & Human Advancement Project

KEDHAP is the development, peace-building, and relief arm of the Kenya Mennonite Church in the Diocese of Kisumu East. One of their major activities includes Female Empowerment and Education. KEDHAP provides sanitary supplies, underwear, and counseling for over 4,000 girls each month who are from poor households. Many of these girls continue to secondary school through this effort thus avoiding dropping out and early marriage.

Additionally, through assessments, funding is provided for over 35 highly qualified secondary school students who are either orphaned or from families in dire poverty.

To learn more, please click here.

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