Tired of giving gifts that don’t make an impact?
We all look forward to Christmas – the weather, the festive air, the beautiful decorations, and the gifts! The holidays are the season of giving: giving love and giving thanks. The holidays are also about faith, showing appreciation, and helping those in need.
During this festive season, would you like to help provide opportunities for vulnerable families to thrive? Give gifts of HOPE this Christmas!
Give gifts of HOPE this holiday season!
Every year, as we step into the season of giving, we spend time and resources buying gifts to show our appreciation towards our loved ones. When you share the Gifts of Hope Catalogue, you are remembering the less fortunate and the vulnerable and planting the seeds of change that make a lasting impact!
What a truly meaningful way to celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas season and all year long. Your compassion and generosity continue to yield a plentiful harvest, and we are so grateful for people like you!
Sharing gifts from this catalogue can help bring comfort and joy to families impacted by poverty, hunger and sickness.
Blessings to you and your loved ones this Christmas.
With Gratitude & Blessings,
All of us at ImpactHope
This Christmas, Give the Gift of Hope
1. Select Your Gift
Choose from our causes: education, healthcare, food, water, small-scale agricultural efforts, and helping the vulnerable. If you can’t decide which gifts, simply mention/give to ‘where most needed’!
Note: Every item in the catalogue has been numbered for your convenience. Simply mention the item number(s), add up the total gift value and enter the amount.
For e.g. if you choose #9, #23, #45, your total amount would be 50+11+55 = 116 CAD.
2. Give Your Gift
So many ways to give!
- Online: Give the gift here.
- e-transfer: bookkeeper@impacthope.ca (Please state your full name, e-mail, address and gift(s))
- Donation Slip: Fill the slip included in the catalogue and mail it back to the ImpactHope office
- Mail a cheque
- Call Our Office at (519) 924-9380
3. Share the Gift
Multiply the impact by giving a gift in the name of a friend or loved one. Spread the word!
2 thoughts on “Gift HOPE in this season of giving!”
I wanted to do an e-transfer for impacthope for Blackburns Tats Place but when i filled it out it wanted a security question. Is this the set up you have?
Hi Carol! Could you please email us directly at office(at)impacthope.ca or call us at (519) 824-9380? We would be happy to guide you through the process!