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Impact Report 2021


2021 Executive Director Report

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.” (1 Chronicles 16:8)

As the pandemic continued and many restrictions were in place, our major focus was on the communication of the needs of our projects. The response was overwhelming! We are grateful for your response and what God accomplished through you! We are providing this report to encourage you and to share the impact you have had in the various efforts of ImpactHope. Some milestones in 2021 include:

  • The increasing number of people who were impacted around the world.
  • The rebranding of Missionary Ventures Canada. We began operating as ImpactHope in June! After much consultation and collaboration, we had an overwhelming response when this news was announced!
  • ImpactHope expanded in several new locations. This includes India, Cubulco Guatemala, Cusco Peru, and Belize. We are excited to see these efforts develop in the coming years!
  • Following a downturn in donations received in 2020 (in large part due to the pandemic), ImpactHope rebounded and surpassed what was received in 2019! Thank you to our supporters!

With 2022 well underway, here are a few goals we have set for this coming year:

  • Developing stronger donor communication and project reports
  • Increasing church partnerships
  • Continued training and development for workers and the projects
  • Developing training videos for short-term teams

While we are thankful for you and your response in making 2021 an amazing year, we ask for your continued prayers and support as we shape stronger communities around the world by actively announcing the good news, alleviating suffering, seeking justice, and bringing hope to the world.


Brad Wilson

Executive Director

st. and book November 20120
Praying for the Drug Addicts 3

Shaping Stronger Communities!

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