January 2019 Updates



A HUGE thank you to those who supported and donated to our Gifts of Life Campaign as we have raised over $5300 to help those in need. These funds will provide individuals and families with essential needs such as food, shelter, education and healthcare. This encourages us so thank you for providing love and joy to those living in poverty.

We are working together with Pastor Moses in Dedza Malawi. Together, we are creating Empowerment Projects, which supports 110 widows and women in poverty. This project empowers women to create sustainable lives through pig productions. A group of five women received MK 60,000 from the Ministry and bought 3 female pigs for breeding. After the number of pigs increase, members will share the piglets so that each one has a pig to care for. As the initial group of pigs will continue to increase,the further the pigs shall be used for a sustainable livelihood and future funds. For the meantime, the group of five women will share the money earned to meet their personal needs such as their children’s education and food to feed their families. The manure of the pigs will be used in gardens, reducing costs of buying artificial fertilizers while improving their soil’s fertility.

We have also joined Pastor Moses in creating Gardening Projects for women, supporting 125 HIV/AIDS infected women and helping them create sustainable living through growing crops. A group of 5 women received MK 65,000 to invest in-group farming. Each group purchases seeds and 2 acres of farmland. Members do the work of cultivation until harvest season. They shall sell the produce, procure next season’s seeds and hire more workers to work the land. The surplus sales shall be distributed to each member to meet personal needs.

Groups of Women in these projects meet once every month for bible study, to pray together and to share experiences, creating a supportive community!

Thank you so much to our donors for your support in the work in Nebaj. From 2015 to the end of 2018, we have raised over $275,000 CAD for the construction of the new hospital! Three more teams are going to Nebaj from February to April.

Two interns from the Guelph area arrived in Iquitos Peru this past weekend. They will be staying with Rodolfo and his family for the next 6 months, helping them with that various ministries. We look forward to hearing what God has called them to do in Iquitos!

Beatrice’s House in 2017
Beatrice’s House in 2018


Beatrice’s House – Beatrice is HIV positive which in rural Africa still has a strong stigma resulting in much rejection from the community and most other family members. Due to the poverty level practically, there are no sustainable industries to complete her home – making it a daunting task. Together, we are helping Beatrice find hope and joy!





In 2018, donors provided funds to support 10 orphans to receive quality education. This year, we are aiming to help 10 more orphans receive an education. The total cost for 1 student per year is $480 CAD = $40/month.




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Supporting Fathers, Transforming Communities

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A Story of Hope and Resilience in Cuba

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