March 2020 Updates


Empowered Women, Empower Women!
– Nebaj, Guatemala –


In 2014, MVC committed to building a hospital to provide quality healthcare to this remote region of Guatemala. In 2019, we sent almost 75 people to serve in Nebaj and this included individuals who assisted with the women’s sewing ministry. Thanks to Gretchen VanArragon who has been going back every year with different teams to teach sewing to more women. The legacy continues as more and more women learn this important skill through one another!

Women are taught the essentials of how to sew, to how to make a quilt, pajamas and teddy bears for their children! Speaking of children – some started to learn how to sew as well! You can see in the picture above a group of women in February who are part of the Beginners Class – and look what they made! Beautiful quilts for their families.


  • Water Promises Hope!
    – Nairobi, Kenya –

We are praying that 2020 will be a year for water! MVC is determined on having a well drilled in Niarobi, Kenya very soon but more funds are needed before this can be done.

The plan is simple: irrigate the five hectares of land that Vision Ministries Kenya (VMK) owns to grow crops that can provide income needed for the ministry. Through
agriculture and bottling, the hope is to bring income to better to support the
ministry that brings together and networks 50+ churches.

MVC believes that ministries in other countries need to create the means to be
less dependent on outside support. Together we can continue to work side by side and  along with our ministry partners to create opportunities for long term sustainability.

Together we can create SUSTAINABILITY and give HOPE by giving the gift of water!

*GIVE NOW  and Leave a Legacy of Hope in Kenya*




  • A New Church as a Result of Prison Ministry!

Rodolfo is our Missionary Rep from Iquitos, Peru and aside from getting Hogar Genesis (Children’s Home) up and running, he visits the local Men’s and Women’s Prison. Visiting once a month, Rodolfo ministers to and loves on the individuals who are stuck behind bars. When teams visit Iquitos, they have the opportunity to visit the local prisons as well. Teams are able to have fellowship, sharing of testimonies and get to know the inmates.

Rodolfo has shared a story of how God’s love is truly unconditional. No matter what you have gone through, what you have done or where you have been – God loves you. Two men by the name of Charles and Luis served time in Iquitos’ local prison but that does not hinder them from seeing God’s goodness.

*Click Here to Read Charles and Luis’ Story*

“God meets you where ever you are – even in prison!” – Rodolfo



Our hearts are filled with inexpressible joy in what God has been doing. We are humbled by your generous partnership in 2019 and the impact you are having in lives around the world! Inside, are stories of present needs, the impact and stories of changed lives through the various projects. We hope that you will also feel a measure of inexpressible joy in your heart.

More news & updates from Impact Hope

Empowering Leaders, Transforming Communities in Zambia

In many rural communities across Zambia, pastors and Christian leaders are the backbone of society. They are the ones who counsel families, guide the youth, and spread the hope of the gospel. But sadly, most of them lack formal theological training and the resources needed to effectively lead their churches and impact their communities.
That’s where The Grace Project Training Center (TGPTC) steps in.

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Feeding a Nation: How Lives Are Being Transformed in Madagascar

The Madagascar Soul & Soil Revival Project is a groundbreaking initiative in partnership with Foundations for Farming (FfF). Learn how sustainable farming is transforming lives in Madagascar through our interview with Chris Hornibrook, leader of the “Sponsor a Farmer” initiative. Discover how local farmers are building brighter futures for their communities and how you can be part of this life-changing journey.

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Empowering Women, Changing Lives

The work of ImpactHope and its partners spans far and wide, making it impossible to list every project and achievement in one post. From empowering women and girls to supporting vulnerable children, the breadth of their impact is inspiring. Each initiative—whether providing sanitary pads, rescuing child brides, or equipping women with goats—contributes to a greater mission of breaking cycles of poverty and building resilient communities.

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