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Bringing Light to the Darkest Places


Rodolfo’s Mission Of Sharing God’s Love

It’s heartwarming to think about Rodolfo’s unwavering commitment to spreading hope in Iquitos, Peru for over ten years. His dedication is truly an inspiration to all of us. His work with the most vulnerable, particularly in the drug-infested areas of Belen, has been a testament to his unwavering dedication to serving others. Reflecting on his journey, Rodolfo shares, “11 years ago…this ministry has taught me a lot of how to love and serve. God is so good, now one of my addiction is share HIS gospel in drug hole and rescue as many kids we can, giving them a home and a family.”

Rodolfo with Baby M.
Saraid holding up a baby at Hogar Genesis

Spreading Love in Unexpected Places

Rodolfo’s unwavering commitment to his calling is truly inspiring. With a heart filled with compassion and a spirit fueled by faith, he fearlessly ventures into the drug-infested areas of Belen, offering hope and salvation to those trapped in addiction and despair. His ministry not only provides physical nourishment but also shares the transformative message of God’s love, bringing healing and restoration to broken lives.

Saraid, Rodolfo’s partner in ministry, stands as a pillar of strength and support by his side. Her kindness and empathy touch the lives of many, offering solace and comfort to those in need. Together, they embody the essence of love in action, demonstrating God’s relentless compassion through their selfless service and unwavering dedication. Volunteers regularly venture into drug dens, not only with food but also with the message of hope and salvation. As Rodolfo puts it, “#CristoVive – Christ Lives.”

Joyful Milestones and Gratitude at Hogar Genesis

Thanks to the generous support of donors, Hogar Genesis can care for and nourish the children. “The princesses of the kid’s home, Hogar Génesis, were so blessed to receive their school supplies, uniforms, shoes, and more,” shares Rodolfo. However, the needs of the home continue to grow each day. Urgent requirements, such as a new TV, are essential for the children’s well-being, as their current one is on the verge of breaking down.

With three children entering kindergarten and four starting school, expenses towards education, uniforms, shoes, books, notebooks, and other necessities are essential. Amidst the ongoing challenges, there are moments of joy and celebration at Hogar Genesis. Three precious princesses of the home, Sarita, Estrella, and Brisela, are marking another year of love, joy, and family. Reflecting on God’s goodness, Rodolfo expresses gratitude, “God is so good. Thank you so much for your constant prayers and support toward the ministry and the kid’s home Génesis.”

God’s Relentless Love

In the face of adversity, God’s relentless love shines through, guiding Rodolfo and his team in their mission. As they continue to provide care and support for the children, their unwavering faith serves as a source of strength and inspiration. “In every act of love and compassion, we witness God’s unfailing presence,” says Rodolfo. “His love knows no bounds, and it is this love that sustains us in our mission to bring light to the darkest places.”

Will You Show God’s Love to the Most Vulnerable in Iquitos?

Hogar Genesis has ongoing needs that require your support. Apart from essential items like diapers and formula, expenses for the education of the kids, maintenance of the home, staff salaries, and other necessities are crucial. Your support will make a real difference in the lives of these amazing kids, and we can’t thank you enough for your kindness and generosity!

As Valentine’s Day reminds us of the power of love and compassion, let us join hands in supporting Rodolfo and Hogar Genesis as they continue to spread God’s love to those who need it most.

“In every act of love, we see God’s hand at work, transforming lives and bringing hope to the hopeless.” – Rodolfo

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