Blog Banner (Stephen, a student of TGIZ)

Empowering A Community in Zambia: Poultry Project


“Helping others starts with a small idea and a big heart. Together, we can turn small steps into life-changing leaps.”

In the heart of a Zambian community, the spark of change was ignited by Stephen Banda, a passionate second-year student at The Grace Institute Zambia (TGIZ). Through its transformative theological education program, TGIZ is not only shaping the lives of individuals like Stephen Banda but also leaving an indelible mark on the community at large.

Small Ideas, Big Impact

Stephen’s journey began with a simple idea—poultry farming. What started as a project tending to chickens blossomed into a beacon of hope for the less fortunate in his community.

Driven by a desire to uplift others, Stephen and his team decided to start a poultry initiative. The idea was to use the small profits to help other families start their own poultry projects. Their mission? To seek out the vulnerable, those without a starting point or a means to create their own opportunities.

Through dedication and collaboration with fellow students and partners, Stephen was able to help six individuals start their own chicken projects. The women who benefited from this now stand as entrepreneurs, contributing to their families and communities. Not only did it grant economic opportunities, but it also brought a newfound sense of purpose and faith. These women, once isolated, found solace in their local churches, becoming active members of their faith communities.

Invest In TGIZ, Impact A Nation!

There is potential for numerous individuals in the community to start their own businesses. From small-scale entrepreneurs to budding community leaders, TGIZ graduates like Stephen are making a tangible difference in the lives of those around them. Stephen’s story is just one example of the countless lives that TGIZ has touched over the years. 

Through its comprehensive curriculum and holistic approach to education, TGIZ equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to become catalysts for positive change in their communities.

From providing theological training to fostering community development, TGIZ is empowering individuals like Stephen to become agents of transformation. As a result, the community can now experience tangible improvements in education, economic stability, and social cohesion.

Desk Fundraiser

The Grace Institute Zambia (TGIZ) urgently needs support to cover rental expenses and purchase essential classroom furniture, which is pivotal in sustaining the Institute’s operations. Investing in TGIZ means investing in a brighter future for Zambia. It means empowering passionate individuals like Stephen to continue their impactful work, creating opportunities, fostering economic growth, and igniting hope where it’s needed most. By supporting these students, we’re not just changing lives but changing entire communities for the better.

With just $150, you can provide a vital tool for a student’s educational journey – a desk. Your generosity will create a conducive learning space where students can thrive and continue to make a positive impact in their communities. Join us today and be a part of something truly transformative.

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