Meet the Kids at Tat's Place

Meet the Kids at Tat’s Place


Say Hola to the Kids

“We want to bring His children home, to Christ, to eternity, into God’s family, to a home where they are loved.”

Tat’s Kids welcomed their 49th child into their care last month! It’s been a privilege to partner with them as they celebrated their 2nd anniversary and 8th Christmas in Peru last December.

Treysi and Lucy have successfully completed their graduation from primary school! They begin secondary school in March, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Treysi recommitted her life to Jesus and Lucy was also baptized this year.

We praise God for Miriam, their teacher and tutor, whose commitment to the kids and their specific and difficult learning needs is commendable. Miriam seeks to continue her education this year and is hoping to continue virtually while working at Tat’s Kids.

Thanks to the support of our generous donors, the Tat’s family was able to celebrate a meaningful Christmas and hopeful New Year!


Sometimes God gives us a restless child that just needs to be held until he calms down and falls asleep. The Lord's gifts are the best!
Treysi graduates from primary school!
Treysi graduates from Primary School!
All Smiles in the Sun! (Treysi & Scott)
All Smiles in the Sun! (Treysi & Scott)
Lucy graduates from Primary School!
Lucy graduates from Primary School!

A Name to Every Smile

We are sharing the children’s Bios in the hopes that you will continue to pray for their spiritual health, needs and healing, and support them. Most of the children come from abusive or abandoned pasts and as they grow and mature, new struggles surface. The older girls are meeting regularly with a psychologist, who helps them to work through their thoughts, but we pray that God will heal them from the darkness of their past. We thank the Lord for the opportunities that He provides. Some of the girls have had miscarriages and teen pregnancies. It’s a constant struggle in the highly sexualized culture, and a problem they deal with on a regular basis in their work among the children.


"We strive to work hard to be faithful stewards of the work that God leads us to."

Worshipping together in Church!
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 3.15.07 PM
Baby Jouse has the most adorable smiles!

Praying for Provision

As the ministry grows, several local businesses have stepped up to help Tat’s Kids. The past year has seen high inflation rates, with food and fuel costs increasing by 30-50% and propane costs increasing by 100%! God has faithfully met their needs so far but moving forward into 2022, we ask that you consider supporting this home.

There are two projects Tat’s Place will need funding for in 2022:

  1. Tapping into a large natural flowing spring for clean water.
  2. To improve the home’s power supply through enhanced solar capacity and an updated inverter model.

Your prayers, encouragement, and financial assistance sustain these children who were once abandoned but have now found hope and comfort at Tat’s Place with the Blackburn’s. To know more about this home, click here.


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