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A Miraculous Healing: Transforming Lives in Zambia


The Grace Project International

The Grace Project International (TGPI) runs The Grace Institute Zambia (TGIZ), its first school in Zambia. It aims to train pastors who have a calling to serve but face educational and financial obstacles that prevent them from attending established Bible colleges and seminaries. Unfortunately, as many as 85% to 90% of the estimated 3.0 million pastors and ministry leaders around the world struggle to access good theological education and ministry training. With the appointment of Choolwe Kaira as the new TGIZ Executive Director in 2022, along with standardized materials and programs, TGPI is now prepared for expansion!

The staff at TGIZ are passionate about their vision - To be the world’s most accessible and transformational indigenous Bible colleges and ministry training centers that testify to the gospel of God’s grace.

Yvonne’s Unwavering Trust in God’s Grace

Meet Yvonne Chibale Chimambo, a graduate of The Grace Institute Zambia, whose remarkable journey of faith and healing serves as a testament to the transformative power of education and unwavering trust in God’s grace.

“My name is Yvonne Chibale Chimambo, and I am a proud graduate of The Grace Institute Zambia. Those two years at the school completely transformed my life, enriching me with deep scriptural knowledge and teaching me how to apply it to my own life and ministry. Looking back, I shudder at the way I used to interpret scripture before my training; I had been misled, and in turn, I had misled others. But with newfound understanding, I embraced a more profound relationship with God, changing not only my personal life but also my ministry for the better.

 During my time at TGI, I faced many challenges, but it was one particular season that truly tested my faith. My precious daughter fell critically ill and remained in a coma for nearly six months. It was heart-wrenching to see her in such a condition, and the emotional strain was almost unbearable. But even in those dark days, I never missed a single day of class. I spent my nights at the hospital, by her bedside, and somehow found the strength to attend my classes the next day, trusting God to take care of her.

Amid my daughter’s illness, a miraculous event unfolded. One day, while I was at school, a nurse, without consulting me, took my daughter in an ambulance to a nearby miracle crusade at a stadium. She was brought forward on a stretcher to be prayed for, as she couldn’t even walk at that time. And in an awe-inspiring moment, right before my eyes, my daughter walked and talked again! She even led us in powerful praise and worship in church the following Sunday. It was an overwhelming display of God’s grace and healing power, and I remain in awe to this day.

 Throughout my journey at TGI, I faced financial hardships, but every time, God provided for me in remarkable ways. Whether it was through the support of my classmates or the caring staff at TGI, my needs were met, and my education remained uninterrupted. As my graduation approached, I received yet another astonishing blessing – my grad fees and gown were covered by anonymous donors all the way from Canada! I am forever grateful for how God saw me through those two years, surrounded by so much love and support.

 As I look back on my time at TGI, my heart overflows with gratitude and praise. I continue to pray for all the people God used in my journey that He would bless them abundantly and meet all their needs. It is truly a testament to the power of faith, and I am living proof that with God, all things are possible.

 I am eternally grateful to ImpactHope and The Grace Project International for their partnership in changing lives like mine. Their commitment to education and empowering individuals like me has left an indelible mark on my life, and I am filled with a sense of purpose to share my story with others.

 With God’s grace, I have emerged from my trials stronger and more determined than ever. I know that my journey doesn’t end here; instead, it is just the beginning of a life filled with hope, healing, and a deep desire to touch the lives of others positively. I am excited to embrace the future with faith as my guide, knowing that together, we can create a world where miracles happen, and dreams come true. Thank you, ImpactHope and The Grace Project International, for changing my life and empowering me to be a vessel of God’s love and grace!”

ImpactHope and The Grace Project International celebrate Yvonne’s journey and countless other lives touched by the power of education and God’s unending grace. Together, through our partnership, we strive to uplift and empower individuals like Yvonne, guiding them toward a future filled with hope, healing, and endless possibilities.

As we witness the miracles in Yvonne’s life, we are inspired to continue our mission of transforming lives, one step at a time. With faith as our guide and compassion as our driving force, we aim to bring lasting change to communities in Zambia and beyond, leaving behind a legacy of hope and love that transcends time.

Make Theological Education Accessible, Transformational, and Indigenous

You can help The Grace Institute Zambia in its mission to provide pastors with quality biblical education that will help them be better leaders, preachers, and teachers in the communities and churches they serve in! Here are some gifts you can give to support TGIZ in it’s mission:

  1. Purchase a Bible: $90
  2. Sponsor a student with partial funding: $100
  3. Help with the expansion to a new location: $30

Thank you for standing with us in our mission. Together, we can create a world where every individual’s potential is nurtured, and their dreams are ignited, proving that with faith and determination, miracles can indeed happen.

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