Ontario, Canada
Who Are We Partnering With?
Julio Farfan is a native Guatemalan who now lives in Ontario, Canada. He currently oversees a ministry serving the migrant workers living and working in the Stratford area.
What Is The Initiative?
Migrant workers are a critical group of people within the Ontario food sector. Their stay in Canada can be anywhere from 3 to 9 months depending on the contract they sign. With limited language and knowledge of the culture and laws in Canada, they can become prime targets for abuse and exploitation.
While this is rare, many workers struggle with the adjustment to farm work in Ontario. These workers living long periods of time away from their loved ones and their culture have experienced mental health issues, workplace injuries, or encounter difficult situations during their stay.
Our goal at ImpactHope is to provide the opportunities for migrant workers to receive the personal contact, counsel, and help that is often difficult to find in Canadian society.
Support is provided tangibly through providing transportation for various medical appointments, their banking needs, legal assistance when needed, conflict resolution, social and mental health assistance, and large group gatherings with other workers (sporting events, etc).
“It is a privilege to share some of the things that have been going on with the ministry to migrant workers this spring, summer and fall. May God bless you for your faithful support through prayer and finances. The lives of many of the migrant workers and their families have been changed forever because you have support and prayed for them”
– Julio Farfan