A Message From The Director


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”

(John 16:33)


Dear Friends

As the world response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many economies have had to shutdown creating a crisis which MVC recognized early in the pandemic – a situation that was developing – NO WORK = NO MONEY = NO FOOD. Immediately, we sent out word and you have graciously responded! To date (June 15th), over $46,500 has been raised! We are grateful and humbled by your response! These funds are being sent as soon as possible to bring hope to those in dire situations.

While many economies presently still in shutdown and so many individuals unable to work, funds are still needed to purchase food and other needed supplies. Daily living for many poor in this world is difficult – with COVID in the equation, the line between daily survival and hunger/starvation becomes, at best, non-existent.

The reality of those living in impoverished situations is becoming worse by the day. What should we do? How should we respond?

O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8 (NLT)

It is often during difficulty that people turn to God. The reports of what we are hearing is exactly that – people are returning to God. As the cry for justice rings loud throughout the world in the last few weeks following the tragic death of George Floyd … The cry for help from the world’s impoverished people rings out just as loud.

May our hearts be stirred to respond to the cries of those stricken in poverty. When it comes to understanding our place in this world and the wealth that many of us hold, may we ask the question, not only in difficult times, but may it become more prominent in times of comfort and wealth – “WHY ME?!”

We are blessed to be a blessing.

For the sake of the Kingdom,


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