An Update From ‘The Grace Project’


Brian and Muriel Windsor have been serving in Zambia for 7 years. They have registered a Zambian non-profit called ‘The Grace Project’ to give training and mentorship to the national pastors. Most Zambian pastors have a lack of education and live in poverty. Here’s an update on what’s happening in Zambia:


Dear Ministry Partners,

There is much to be thankful for as we reflect back at what the Lord has been doing in and through The Grace Project-Africa and its school for pastors, The Grace Institute, over the first six months of 2019. This was best reflected in the excitement as we came together to celebrate with our first graduating class! That night 21 students and their families and some special guests, including our very own Brad Wilson from MVC, enjoyed great music, food and the presentation of certificates for 21 students who had completed our one-year Intro to Ministry course.

But what many didn’t see that behind those great smiles was all the hard work and financial sacrifices each student, each staff and yes, each ministry partner made to make this graduation possible. Each in their own way made, and continue to make, a critical investment in the Kingdom. For this we are all blessed.

Over the course of the year I had the opportunity to speak to our students about the impact The Grace Institute was making in their lives and ministry. Everisto, who is a pastor of a local church and bishop overseeing several others, told some prospective students, “I used to teach error but now I teach the truth.” Then in class another of our pastors, Kelvin said, “You are destroying my ignorance!” What a great thing the Lord is doing in our students.

As a new term is about to begin with returning and new students we are busy behind the scenes. We are:

  1. Seeking to become accredited with the Zambian government through African Research University so we can issue diplomas and not just certificates
  2. Praying about getting a 4-wheel drive vehicle so we can make our classes more accessible by offering them in each compound to eliminate transport costs
  3. Praying for a solution for the students who have had to drop out because they cannot afford the $10.00 monthly tuition fee ($12.00 with transport) for our full-time program
  4. Looking for opportunities to expand our pastoral school program to all 10 provinces in Zambia
  5. Praying for new ministry partners in both Canada and Zambia

Knowing this, would you take a moment and pray for us? Thanks. And if the Lord directs please contact the MVC office to see how you can make your Kingdom investment through what he is doing to destroy pastoral ignorance in Zambia. Grace to all.”

To support the Windsors and this wonderful ministry in Zambia please click HERE

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