February 2020 Updates


January Team Report from Palma Soriano
– Palma Soriano, Cuba –

In our January update, we mentioned that a team would be going to serve in Palma Soriano. Thank you for your prayers as this team saw God’s work in Cuba and arrived home safely. They’ve kindly provided a report from their trip to share how God worked through them in Cuba:

“Thank you to everyone who has supported our mission work in Cuba.  All the prayers, donations and gifts are greatly appreciated. Coming alongside MVC’s Missionary Reps, Sandra and Jorge, again was very special. Seminars were delivered to approximately 200 women at four different churches.  Each woman received a hot lunch, full day of seminars and a gift package.  The seminars included the topics of menopause, depression and anxiety, nutrition and wrapped up with a Bible study/ sermon about the Samaritan woman at the well. We taught deep breathing, stretching and art therapy in the form of colouring. The women loved the day and we were thanked with many kisses and hugs.  We also visited seven families in their homes.  These visits were very special to the families and to the team.  Sandra has such a beautiful, generous heart.  It was an honour to do visits with her. We also visited the preschool where more funds are needed for more cement for the building. Through it all,  it is impossible to overstate the love and compassion that flowed among us the entire week. God was present with us…”

To Read the Full Report & View Pictures From Their Trip, Click Here!


  • Grand Opening of Tat’s Place: January 30, 2020!
    – Puerto Maldonado, Peru –

Together with the Blackburn’s, we celebrated the Grand Opening of Tat’s Place (also known as Alegre Sonido de Dios) in Puerto Maldonado, Peru which officially opened on January 30, 2020!

What a truly beautiful example of how God can turn our sorrows and struggles into beautiful blessing! We think of the Blackburn Family and all of Tatiana Blackburn’s friends during this time. The Blackburns did a great job of not only hosting family and friends that visited them during this special time but they also shared moments of this special day by going  live on Facebook! If you’d like to view the video of them cutting the ribbon, visit our Instagram Page.

Once again, Thank You to all those who have contributed and continue to support the Blackburn’s journey and the building of Tat’s Place.  Please continue to pray for the Blackburn’s as they celebrate the future and continue to remember the past. May Tat’s memory and her passion for Christ live on for generations to come!

The Blackburn’s continue to look forward to new relationships as they love on the children in Peru. We welcome new supporters, volunteers, donations and new partner churches! If you’re interested in going to Puerto Maldonado to serve or would like to know more about getting involved, please contact us!

*To Continue to Support Tat’s Place, Please Click HERE*


  • 30 Zambian Pastors Are Committed to Being Trained!
    – Lusaka, Zambia –

We are excited to say that there is now a total of 30 Pastors who are enrolled in the Pastor Training program through The Grace Project in Africa! Please pray as they prepare for orientation week beginning Monday. Thank you for all the encouragement. We are praying that we can raise a $300 (K3000) scholarship for each student and for Study Bibles.

The Grace Project is focussed on training pastors who are called but have not completed grade 12 (literacy issues) and lack of finances (poverty issues). Our model is a 12x12x12 model in keeping with Jesus` educational model. It is transformational and practical, and because of the small class size it is highly relational. Most students show up to class 15-20 min early, this is a testament to their eagerness to learn, given that the African culture does not have a high regard for time.


*To Learn More & Support Pastoral Students, Please Click HERE*

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Magomero Community Report: Clean Water, New Life, and Hope

In Malawi, access to clean water isn’t just a convenience—it’s a matter of life and death for vulnerable communities. In September 2024, the Magomero community in Malawi saw life-changing progress as 235 households received AquaTabs to purify their drinking water. Along with health education sessions and support from local health assistants, the initiative is protecting families from waterborne diseases and bringing hope to the region. Learn more about how this clean water project is transforming lives and how you can help.

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ImpactHope’s Journey: Learning, Evolving, and Doing Things Differently

We reflect on our growth since 1992 and the invaluable lessons we’ve learned along the way. This article explores how our approach has transformed to focus on empowering local leaders, fostering sustainable solutions, and truly listening to the communities we serve. Join us as we share our commitment to making a lasting impact and the key changes that are shaping our mission today.

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