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What Is #GivingTuesday?

GivingTuesday is a global day of giving. After the sales of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, GivingTuesday is a time to celebrate and encourage activities that support charities and non profits. Whether it’s making a donation, volunteering time, helping a neighbour or spreading the word, GivingTuesday is a movement for everyone who wants to give something back.

Giving Back On #GivingTuesday

We each have a deep reserve of generosity, which we can deploy in a myriad of ways to make a difference – your donations, your time, your kindness, your skills, your voice are all things that you can give.

Be a part of the global community that thrives on humanity and generosity. This giving Tuesday, YOU can change a student’s life at Shelter of Hope! Your donation will directly support students who need financial assistance.

All gifts to Shelter of Hope will help these students who come from low-income families, giving them hope for a better future! 

Why Education?

ImpactHope, we believe that education is a powerful agent of change as it improves health and livelihoods, and contributes to social stability, driving long-term economic growth! We also believe that education is an essential cause and is therefore one of our 7 causes that work towards sustainable development goals.

Read more about our involvement and commitment to supporting on our education cause page.

About Shelter of Hope

Shelter of hope Kenya is a Christian non-profit organization registered under the societies act. We have the call and responsibility to reach out to the children and youth who are orphans and vulnerable by providing spiritual nourishment, education, and income-generating activities to enable them to be independent. Through the course of our work, we have initiated programs for women through empowerment strategies and material support to the elderly widows.

The Scope of Their Work Includes: 

  • Child Sponsorship Programs
  • Feeding Programs
  • Education Programs (2 Community Education Centres)
  • Counseling and Spiritual Care Programs in partnership with the local church
  • Youth programs
  • Health Care Programs (Running a Communal health facility)
  • Agricultural Programs
  • Income-generating activities for community members
  • Emergency relief programs

To learn more about our partnership with Shelter of Hope, visit their page. 

More news & updates from Impact Hope

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Supporting Fathers, Transforming Communities

In the heart of Nebaj, Guatemala, the Mavericks Men’s Ministry is transforming lives. Every Wednesday morning, men from all walks of life gather at Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza hospital to support and uplift each other. This group provides a safe space for men to discuss their struggles, grow in their faith, and become better fathers and husbands. The impact is profound, with many members experiencing significant positive changes in their personal lives and their roles within their families…

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A Story of Hope and Resilience in Cuba

In the heart of Camaguey, Cuba, the economic situation is dire, with many families struggling to meet their basic needs. Amidst these challenges, ImpactHope’s partners, Carlos and Rosa, have been making a profound difference through their dedicated ministry. One particularly moving story is that of Yesdeiker, a 42-year-old man living with a severe disability. Despite immense hardships, the support from ImpactHope has been a lifeline, providing essential food supplies and hope..

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