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Annual Impact Report 2022


2022 Executive Director Report

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10

One thing that stands out this past year is this – the world is rapidly changing. As the cost of living is increasing all around us, we are shocked by the higher prices of commodities. Imagine the state of the poor in impoverished countries before the pandemic, barely surviving before the pandemic, and now barely coping with the increased prices for the necessary basic items for life. This past year, the needs around the world have continued to escalate. People have seen incredible inflation, and the supply chain has weakened many countries’ economies. Increasing political turmoil and the war in Ukraine have challenged the fight against poverty.

2022 has shown us again that when things are bleak and dire, people like you respond with open arms to do what is needed to meet the growing needs. We are so grateful for your partnership as we provide hope for many in need – teachers in need of a salary, children in need of an education, children in need of a loving home, a single mother in need of food, a sick patient in need of medical care and medicine, a recent widow in need of shelter and a means of income, seeds to be planted and goats to be raised…

Through your generosity and partnership, all these things have happened and more! ImpactHope was able to provide support for the war-torn nation of Ukraine. $11,757 was collected to support our friends at Radooga Ministries in Ukraine. We slowly restarted our short-term trips in 2022. While only 17 people volunteered last year, we still consider this an important part of our efforts – seeing people become more personally involved in poverty alleviation and bringing the Good News to people from different cultures.

Goals for this coming year:

  • Financial stability in some of our key projects
  • Connecting with more local churches in Canada
  • Building strategic partnerships with other NGOs
  • Implementing a strong short-term trip training program

Thank you for your generosity and commitment, which have enabled us to make a difference in the lives of so many.


Brad Wilson

Executive Director

Haiti Kids
SOH camp

Shaping Stronger Communities!

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