Pray with us and for our partners!
Submit Prayer Request

We would love to pray for you or someone you care for.

Prayer is a beautiful, and essential, way to ask for Our Lord’s help and blessings. Believe it or not, the power of prayer is miraculous. Our team is here to support and uplift you and your family with prayerful intention. We welcome you to join us and experience the healing power of positivity and faith. Remember, whatever you may be going through, you are not alone. God gives us the grace to cope with our problems and challenges.

Don’t think that any request is too small! Our Lord Himself said, “Ask, and you shall receive” (John 16:24). Your requests become that much more powerful when others are praying for you as well. It is a truly divine form of charity to pray for others, especially for those most in need! 

“Pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16)

Submit Your Prayer Request Here


After you leave your prayer request, please take a moment to read through others’ concerns and lift them up to the Lord as well. 

Prayer Wall


  • Wisdom , Deliverance from Balance debts to be crushed soonest under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ miraculously and an angel of Blessings locate us today as Gods messenger to come and help us resolve it .
    May our marriage be joyful as it’s tensed at present and we get to rejoice together with family.
    Lastly may our Restaurant Business prosper & sales increase daily
    as we know ....Nothing is impossible with Our God
    1. The Prayer Team

      Dear Anil, Thank you for reaching out to us with your heartfelt prayer request. We acknowledge the challenges you are facing and stand with you in faith, believing in the power of prayer and the miraculous intervention of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for wisdom to guide you through the complexities of your current situation, and for deliverance from the burden of debt. May the debts that weigh heavily on you be crushed under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, bringing forth a miraculous resolution beyond your expectations. We join you in asking for divine intervention to come swiftly and assist you in resolving these financial challenges. May you experience the peace and provision of God as His messenger brings forth assistance and support. We lift up your marriage before the throne of grace, asking for tension to be replaced with joy and harmony. May your relationship be strengthened, and may you rejoice together with your family in the love and grace of our Lord. Furthermore, we pray for the prosperity of your restaurant business. May sales increase daily, and may you witness the abundant blessings of God pouring out upon your endeavors. Remember, with God, nothing is impossible. May you find comfort and encouragement in the assurance that our God is faithful and able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). In Jesus\' name, we pray. Amen. With love and blessings,

  • Pray that my husband Mitchs colonoscopy confirms his excellent health and that he is healthy, pray there is NO more colon wall thickness and all issues have resolved completely,  immediately and permanently by the Blood of Jesus, I plead the Blood of Jesus over Mitch and his descending, sigmoid and entire colon, I plead the Blood of Jesus over my family and I,  I cover us in the Blood of Jesus,  I cover Mitch in the Blood of Jesus,  I cover Mitchs entire colon and body in the Blood of Jesus,  I decree my Authority over Mitchs colon, given to me by Jesus Christ Holy Spirit , and I command all sickness,  can/cer, disease, thickness To BE IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY EVICTED FROM HIS COLON AND BODY BY HOLY SPIRIT FIRE IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME,  AND EVICTED FROM ME AND MY WHOLE FAMILY AND LOVED ONES NOW NOW NOW IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN AND HALLELUJAH!!!
    1. Prayer Team

      Dear Brandi, Thank you for sharing your prayer request with us. We understand the concern and urgency you feel regarding Mitch\'s health and his upcoming colonoscopy. We join you in fervent prayer, lifting Mitch up before the throne of grace. We pray for a clear and reassuring report from the colonoscopy, confirming his excellent health. May every issue be resolved completely, and may his colon be free from any thickness or concern. We stand in agreement with you, pleading the powerful and protective Blood of Jesus over Mitch, his colon, and your entire family. We declare the authority given to us by the Holy Spirit, commanding every sickness, disease, and ailment to be immediately and permanently evicted from Mitch\'s body. We trust in the healing and restoring power of our Lord Jesus Christ, believing that by His stripes, Mitch is healed (Isaiah 53:5). May His Holy Spirit fire consume every trace of illness, bringing forth wholeness and wellness. As we continue to stand in faith together, may you find strength and peace in knowing that God is with you, fighting on your behalf. In Jesus\' mighty name, we pray. Amen and Hallelujah! With love and prayers,

  • i am saved,no need to contact me just pray please.I suffer with worry and anxiety and paranoia,i get really paranoid in many ways and i have bad anxiety and i worry alot,please pray the fear will stop and i will be free from it an dat peace and fearless and pray God will comfort all my fears and pray God will replace all my fears with his peace everyday.thankyou
  • For young Joel and his brother David to be saved and freed from all wrong soul ties, and me as well. And for physical healing for my husband Steve, heart, lungs and vision. Thank you.
    1. The Prayer Team

      Dear Terri, Thank you for sharing your prayer requests with us. We are deeply moved by your heartfelt plea for the salvation and freedom of Joel and David, as well as for the healing of your husband Steve. We are standing with you in faith, believing that God hears our prayers and is faithful to answer according to His perfect will. We pray for the breaking of any wrong soul ties and for the light of God\'s love and truth to shine brightly in the lives of Joel and David. Additionally, we lift up Steve before the throne of grace, asking for divine intervention in his health concerns. May the healing power of God touch his heart, lungs, and vision, bringing restoration and wholeness. May you find comfort and strength in knowing that you are not alone in these challenges. We are here to support you in prayer and faith as you journey through these trials. Let us continue to trust in God\'s unfailing love and provision for every need. With heartfelt prayers,

  • Pryr rqust.said hecwould give me quote 2 weeks ago..never returned call..Father, I decree, declare and proclaim that retaliation, counterattack, judgments, revenge, or reprisals of Satan or his minions, immediately, completely, permanently, and continually forbidden, in the name and by the Blood of Jesus, all by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name. Father, by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name, I take to KJV& autobody mechanic and now possess and impart the Blessing and activation of the Golden Altar of Melchizedek, that sits before the Throne of God in the Throne Room of Heaven, yielding to the Holy Spirit for continual impartation and empowerment of KJV& autobody mechanic as a living Godly altar raised to the Glory of The Father, and for continual impartation of all Godly altars that I raise on behalf of the Glory of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name do I decree, declare, proclaim and possess all that I have confessed herein, so be these things now, in J
  • Dear Lord, please save me from torturers and doers. Please save me from reclaiming and revenging. Please save me from jealousy and my enemies. In Jesus name. Amen
    1. Prayer Team

      Dear Tan, Thank you for reaching out to us with your prayer request. Your courage in seeking solace and divine intervention is deeply appreciated. We want you to know that our prayer team has received your heartfelt request, and we are joining you in lifting these concerns to the Lord. May His grace surround you, providing comfort, strength, and protection. In this challenging time, we pray for your safety, peace of mind, and a divine shield against any form of harm. May the love of God embrace you, dispelling fear and ushering in a sense of security. Remember that you are not alone; your community stands with you in prayer and support. If there\'s anything specific you\'d like us to include in our prayers, please feel free to let us know. May the peace of the Lord be with you, Blessings,

  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for this since 1995...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
    1. The Prayer Team

      Dear Phil, Thank you for sharing your heartfelt prayer requests with us. Please know that our hearts and thoughts are with you and your loved ones during this challenging time. We join you in prayer for the well-being and healing of your mother, Lorraine. May she find comfort, strength, and healing for her hearing, memory, posture, and health. We pray for a restoration of health and vitality, and for her to experience a life filled with blessings and financial security. Our prayers extend to your uncle, aunt, and your mother\'s boyfriend, Joe, for their salvation, healing, and strength as they face health challenges. We ask for divine intervention and comfort during these difficult times. Furthermore, we lift your financial concerns to the Lord, asking for blessings and provisions to ease your worries and enable you to manage your bills without stress. May you experience God\'s abundant blessings and find peace in your life\'s journey. We stand alongside you, Phil, in praying for a life partner and trust that God\'s timing and plan will unfold perfectly for you. May the grace and blessings of God be upon you and your family, providing strength, healing, and guidance through every situation. In faith and solidarity,

  • I have a son, Kenneth Colaco, who is affected with a mental illness Schizophrenia from the age of 17 and now he is 40 years old. So far Kenneth has only seen Hospitals, medication, blood soaked beatings from male inmates. Kenneth is in all male Ward because of his sexual impulses as he is unable to control them due to his mental illness. Kenneth is NOT responding to medication and the Doctor is suggesting Lupron for chemical castration. Apart from this, Lupron medication has irreversible side effects for bone loss and would head for Osteoporosis. We have been praying for 23 years but God seems far away and we are to the point of NO HOPE with our back against the wall. Doctors, Nurses walking over us. We face the stigma in the family. We are waiting on the Lord but nothing seems to work and Kenneth is getting worse day by day. To add to it, even the financial allowance is taken away from us. Kenneth is with heavy Incontinence due to side effects. Fully devastated.
    1. Hannah

      Praying over you and your family Andrew. I pray that the Lord would bring back HOPE and PEACE. That Kenneth would be treated as a man created by God - deserving of love and compassion. May the Lord grant your family wisdom in the challenges you are facing. We pray for a miracle, in Jesus\'s name!

  • Hi! Thanks for joining us in prayer. Submit your prayer requests and our prayer team will uphold you!
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