July 2019 Updates

  • Well-Well-Well

We are continuing to bring awareness towards the Maasai Community in Kenya. Not only do the Maasai walk 45 minutes to get water but that water contains unhealthy levels of natural fluoride (that is in most water sources in Kenya) which requires additional costs. Funds are needed as the overall estimated cost for the well is $20,000 USD.

How Can You Help? Any donation surely counts and we are continuing to giving a FREE Hardcover copy of David L. Knight’s book ‘Downstream from Eden: The Amazing Gift of Water for a Thirsty World’ to the next 28 people who donate $200 or more towards the well. As a profound, reflective and interesting writer, Knight celebrates water in a less-than-perfect world. This book is said to add a unique voice to the discussion of water with insights from the Bible, science, history and literature on issues of social justice, the environment and personal spirituality.

The first 28 people who donate $200 or more will receive a FREE copy of Knight’s book!
Click HERE to Help Us Fund The Well

  • RIDE FOR REFUGE  –  What Moves You? 

You’ve heard about the Ride – Will you be joining us? On Saturday October 5, 2019 we will be walking and cycling to give hope and refuge for the displaced, vulnerable and exploited. There are currently 6 teams in 3 different locations that are joining us!

Interested in becoming a Team Captain or become a Participant and join a team?  You can register HERE

There will be 27 locations all over Canada – Find the one nearest you HERE

For more information and how to be a part of this wonderful day, please don’t hesitate to contact the office or send an e-mail to Office@mvcanada.org. Let’s walk and ride together for the cause that is close to your heart!


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More news & updates from Impact Hope

Empowering Leaders, Transforming Communities in Zambia

In many rural communities across Zambia, pastors and Christian leaders are the backbone of society. They are the ones who counsel families, guide the youth, and spread the hope of the gospel. But sadly, most of them lack formal theological training and the resources needed to effectively lead their churches and impact their communities.
That’s where The Grace Project Training Center (TGPTC) steps in.

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Feeding a Nation: How Lives Are Being Transformed in Madagascar

The Madagascar Soul & Soil Revival Project is a groundbreaking initiative in partnership with Foundations for Farming (FfF). Learn how sustainable farming is transforming lives in Madagascar through our interview with Chris Hornibrook, leader of the “Sponsor a Farmer” initiative. Discover how local farmers are building brighter futures for their communities and how you can be part of this life-changing journey.

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Empowering Women, Changing Lives

The work of ImpactHope and its partners spans far and wide, making it impossible to list every project and achievement in one post. From empowering women and girls to supporting vulnerable children, the breadth of their impact is inspiring. Each initiative—whether providing sanitary pads, rescuing child brides, or equipping women with goats—contributes to a greater mission of breaking cycles of poverty and building resilient communities.

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