June 2019 Updates

  • We Want YOU To Be More Involved!


MVC is excited to announce that we are changing our donor software! Please be patient with us as we are currently in the transition of doing so.



What’s great about our new platform KINDFUL?
You can now create your own profile and manage them! In other words, you will have access to a real-time database that tracks all your donations. This allows for more engagement as we now have the capacity to create crowdfunding pages. This will be extremely helpful for teams and individuals who go to serve! Another great thing is that this platform allows us to send e-receipts, saving administrative costs and of course, the planet!

Please contact the office if you have any questions about using Kindful.


  • An Update From the Blackburns in Puerto Maldonado, Peru!

“Our home exists to share the love and knowledge of Christ with all those that enter, we are blessed that God allows us to care for those He entrusts to us. Ultimately we want these children to be reunited with their families or adoptive families.” Click HERE to view their most recent newsletter!

We are hoping to open Tat’s Place very soon as the Blackburns have been working hard on making this dream come to life! Below are some pictures of what Tat’s Place will look like:

Tat’s Place – Model 1
Tat’s Place – Model 2

“With love, and a sincere sense of gratitude for your partnership in the gospel, hugs and love from Peru!”
Scott, Tracy, Tatiana, Caleb, Jaxon, Matthew
Cintya, Yuri, Naisha, BruceLee, Marisol, Treysi Yadir


  • Thank You For Supporting Our Pastors!

We would like to Thank You, our wonderful donors, as we were able to provide Pastors in Africa and the Caribbean with food. Please continue to pray for those who have been called to serve but lack in finances due to educational and poverty issues. As several pastors live on less than $8 USD a month, it is the children of the pastoral couple who suffer the most.

If you would like to help ease the financial stress for Pastors so that they can focus on their ministries and communities:
Please Click: HERE to Support Pastors in Zambia
Please Click: HERE to Support Pastors in Cuba


  • Want to Be Part of the Legacy of Hope for Kenya?

We are currently in the process for a plan regarding the maintenance; future agricultural initiatives; and local commitment for a well! We are presently targeting a Maasai Community as their closest access to water is a 45 minute walk. With that said, there are incredibly unhealthy levels of natural fluoride in most water sources in Kenya which require additional costs. The good news is that the community has raised $1,000 USD for a well! The estimated cost for the well is $20,000 USD.

Since we are SO passionate about starting this well project in Kenya, we are giving a FREE Hardcover copy of David L. Night’s book ‘Downstream from Eden: The Amazing Gift of Water for a Thirsty World’. As a profound, reflective and interesting writer, Night celebrates water in a less-than-perfect world. This book is said to add a unique voice to the discussion of water with insights from the Bible, science, history and literature on issues of social justice, the environment and personal spirituality.

The first 28 people who donate $250 or more will receive a FREE copy of this book!
Click HERE to Help Us Fund The Well! 


  • RIDE FOR REFUGE  –  What Moves You?

As we mentioned in our last newsletter, MVC will be participating in the Ride for Refuge this year! Join us on Saturday October 5, 2019 and walk or cycle to give hope and refuge for the displaced, vulnerable and exploited!

Interested in becoming a Team Captain? Sign up on our page HERE and get your friends and family together to walk or cycle for a project that is close to your heart!

There will be 27 locations all over Canada Click Here to find the one nearest you!

For more information and how to be a part of this wonderful cause, please don’t hesitate to contact the office or send an e-mail to Office@mvcanada.org.

More news & updates from Impact Hope

Transforming The Lives of Vulnerable Children in India

We are excited to share a heartfelt guest blog post from Santosh, our dedicated partner representing LOAM ministry in India. In this post, Santosh highlights the remarkable work being done at the LOAM School in the village of Chelligada, Odisha. Through the power of education and compassionate care, the LOAM School is transforming the lives of orphans and needy children, offering them a future filled with hope and opportunity.

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Supporting Fathers, Transforming Communities

In the heart of Nebaj, Guatemala, the Mavericks Men’s Ministry is transforming lives. Every Wednesday morning, men from all walks of life gather at Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza hospital to support and uplift each other. This group provides a safe space for men to discuss their struggles, grow in their faith, and become better fathers and husbands. The impact is profound, with many members experiencing significant positive changes in their personal lives and their roles within their families…

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A Story of Hope and Resilience in Cuba

In the heart of Camaguey, Cuba, the economic situation is dire, with many families struggling to meet their basic needs. Amidst these challenges, ImpactHope’s partners, Carlos and Rosa, have been making a profound difference through their dedicated ministry. One particularly moving story is that of Yesdeiker, a 42-year-old man living with a severe disability. Despite immense hardships, the support from ImpactHope has been a lifeline, providing essential food supplies and hope..

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