Love You Better {In Memory of Tat Blackburn}

If you have followed MVC for the past months you may have heard the tragic story of Tat Blackburn’s passing, and the impact her life is still having in Peru (see project here).
Matthew and Tatiana’s plan was to marry and serve God in Peru by loving and caring for trafficked, abandoned, and neglected children. On August 8, 2018, Matthew proposed to Tatiana and gave her a ring on his family homestead in Saskatchewan. On August 17, 9 days later, on their return trip to Ontario, tragedy struck when they were involved in a car accident killing Tatiana. This song was to be used for their first dance at their wedding ceremony planned for Oct 22; instead, the song was first made public at Tatiana’s funeral. Their love for one another is not only expressed in this song, composed and written by Matthew and sung together with Tatiana, but it also expresses their love for God and their desire to be drawn closer to Him.
You can support Tat’s Kids in Peru, donating $20, $50, or $100 in memory of Tatiana. Your gift will ensure that the work she dreamed of will continue. [give_form id=”1765″]
Thank you for your prayers and support.

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