Pray with us and for our partners!
Submit Prayer Request

We would love to pray for you or someone you care for.

Prayer is a beautiful, and essential, way to ask for Our Lord’s help and blessings. Believe it or not, the power of prayer is miraculous. Our team is here to support and uplift you and your family with prayerful intention. We welcome you to join us and experience the healing power of positivity and faith. Remember, whatever you may be going through, you are not alone. God gives us the grace to cope with our problems and challenges.

Don’t think that any request is too small! Our Lord Himself said, “Ask, and you shall receive” (John 16:24). Your requests become that much more powerful when others are praying for you as well. It is a truly divine form of charity to pray for others, especially for those most in need! 

“Pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16)

Submit Your Prayer Request Here


After you leave your prayer request, please take a moment to read through others’ concerns and lift them up to the Lord as well. 

Prayer Wall


  • God wants me asking for prayers. I will need them for awhile probably. Please find someone to pray for me daily. I need a bunch of miracles. Please agree with me for my miracles and deliverance from evil in Jesus name amen. PLEASE HELP WITH MY NEED AND SHARE WITH OTHER CHURCHES IN YOUR AREA AND ANY MISSIONARIES YOU KNOW. I felt Holy Spirit led to you to ask you to pray everyday and share with others and ministries. Please help this way. Anytime I come to mind please pray in the Holy Ghost's leading. I have to be able to use my eyes and voice normally as God wills so I can work and serve Him as He wills. Please pray for me day and night that God binds everything that is coming at my eyes, throat and body and rebukes and destroys it in Jesus name amen and amen. Pray for ALL my needs and for all day and night protections that they are ALL taken care of by GOD in every way in Jesus name amen.
    For Theresa W
    1. The Prayer Team

      Hi Theresa, Thank you for reaching out and sharing your prayer request with us. We are honoured to join you in prayer and will indeed lift your needs before the Lord. Our team will be praying for your miracles, deliverance from evil, and for the protection and healing of your eyes, throat, and body. We will also share your request with other prayer warriors in our team. May God\'s grace and peace be with you, and may He provide for all your needs, granting you the strength and healing you seek. We stand with you in faith, trusting in His perfect will. In Christ\'s love,

  • Our beloved dog Misty passed away. We had to put her down yesterday. She was thirteen. It has been hard for both me and my son Joel. Please it would be very appreciated if you would cover us in prayer for grace, peace and wisdom as we face the days without her.

    Thank you
    1. The Prayer Team

      Dear Cindy, We are deeply sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is never easy, and our hearts go out to you and Joel during this difficult time. We will be lifting you up in prayer, asking for God\'s grace, peace, and wisdom to surround you both as you navigate the days ahead without Misty. Heavenly Father, we pray for Cindy and Joel. Comfort them with Your presence and grant them the peace that surpasses all understanding. Give them strength and wisdom as they face each new day. May they find solace in the joyful memories they shared with Misty and feel Your loving arms around them. In Jesus\' name, we pray. Amen. With heartfelt condolences,

  • Please pray for me, Dear Jesus, pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw out of body experience and near death experience. I need my mind and soul in my body. Pray Viola Cleo Bradshaw has deep sleep.. i need brainstem healing and for a broken nose.can you set me free from Satan. Lift up My son Eledaa or Elad to invite Jesus into his heart and to stop drifting. Amen. I have faith the Lord will grant my wish. Jesus is a great teacher.
    1. The Prayer Team

      Dear Friend, Thank you for sharing your prayer request with us. We lift you and Viola Cleo Bradshaw in prayer, asking for healing, peace, and restoration. May Jesus grant you a deep sleep, healing for your brainstem and broken nose, and freedom from all negative forces. We also pray for your son, Eledaa, to invite Jesus into his heart and find his way. May the Lord hear your prayers and grant your wishes. Jesus is indeed a great teacher and healer. Blessings and peace to you,

  • Prayer for Andrew Pick Healing for bipolar disorder depression and grief from brother Ryan dieing also pray God could heal my symptoms so I don't need to check into mental hospital also pray God gives wisdom to my doctors so they help me. And financial increase and healing for side of face swollen and also protection from my enemies who persecute and attack me daily vengeance is God's have Jesus repay them and God to restore everything my enemies stolen from me mentally physically and spiritual
  • Prayer for Andrew and Nicole
    God to have someone bless us with money and God to remove all financial curses over our life in Jesus name amen and put hedge around our blessings in spiritual realm and God to supernatural give this money blessing to us so we know it's from God and block our enemies from holding back our blessings and speaking curses over us not to have money and Devine help and favor praise Yahweh
  • Pray for me. Pray for yourselfs as well. Your wishes to help are genuine but exposing peoples personal lifes and intricate specifics are not necccessary. Blessing and thank you for what you do.
  • Please pray for me that God may open financial doors for me so that I may be able to pay my debtors.
    1. Prayer Team

      Dear Anthony, We are lifting you up in prayer today. We ask our Heavenly Father to open new financial doors for you, providing the means to pay your debts and find peace in this challenging time. May God grant you wisdom and guidance in managing your resources, and may He surround you with support and opportunities to improve your financial situation. \"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.\" - Philippians 4:19 Stay strong in your faith, Anthony. We believe that God hears our prayers and is with you every step of the way. Blessings and peace, The ImpactHope Team

  • Please pray for me that God may open financial doors for me so that I may be able to pay my debtors.
  • For Steve to be healed of tendon problems in his hand, from back pain, knee pain, and hemorrhoids. For him to sleep full nights in peace and to breathe easy and be free from discouragement.
    1. The Prayer Team

      Dear Terri, Thank you for reaching out to ImpactHope with your prayer request for Steve. We are deeply moved by your request and will join you in lifting Steve up in prayer. We pray for complete healing for Steve\'s tendon problems in his hand, relief from back pain, knee pain, and hemorrhoids. May he experience restful nights filled with peace and wake up refreshed. May every breath he takes be easy and every moment free from discouragement. We believe in the power of prayer and trust that God hears our petitions. Please know that our community stands with you and Steve during this time, offering support and encouragement. Blessings,

  • Pray for me, dear Jesus, pray for my salvation. Can I have deep peace and deep sleep? Can you make me whole in Christ? Can you retrieve Viola Cleo Bradshaw soul fragments from soul rape, spiritual abduction and heal my brainstem? Can I have open doors? Save my face from abuse. I died once. Can you send the spirit of death and Satan out of me? Can you Send the enemy named George also known as a Muslim terrorist Hamza Haq and another enemy Julia Lederer out of my mind and body and soul. They hurt me.Can you pray my son Eledaa or Elad receive Christ and become a Christian and pray for the Canadian Government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to have love in his heart and to make wise decisions. THANK YOU. JESUS IS A GREAT TEACHER.
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