
Project Hope – March 2021 Update


Thank you so much for your unwavering and generous support towards Project Hope in Iquitos, Peru. Depending on the funds raised, we are hoping to open up Hogar Genesis by the end of 2021! Little by little, Hogar Genesis is getting ready to host, love, and care for 6 babies and 6 kids from 4 to 8 years old. Each child has their own story and background that unfortunately involves abandonment, neglect, abuse, and rape. With this said, Rodolfo emphasizes the importance of Hogar Genesis as the public orphanages are maximized and Covid-19 protocols are difficult to follow with so many children in one place.

“Covid-19 has not only devastated our economy and health but since the pandemic started, rape has dramatically increased and many kids are looking towards drugs to help them through this difficult time. Our ministry can help them seek God during these hard times and provide them with food, essential needs, and hope for a better future. So far, you have helped us raise about $20,000 for Hogar Genesis – Muchas Gracias! Since $85,000 is needed for the first year’s operating expenses, we still need to raise around $65,000 before we can open up the home.”                                                                                                                                                                                     – Rodolfo R.


Will you assist us in bringing hope to the children of Iquitos?
Click here to learn more about Project Hope.


Additionally, funds donated to Hogar Genesis will continue to support the ongoing expenses of Belen Kids, Prison & Street Ministry, and the remaining construction needed in the home. There is also an opportunity to support Rodolfo & Saraid, our Missionary Reps., as they continue to serve in Iquitos. Your generous donation of $25, $100, $500, or more, will provide children in Iquitos with the security and hope for a better future, helping them escape the vicious cycle of poverty!


New Baby Cribs
The front of Hogar Genesis
Bedrooms for the staff of Hogar Genesis or for Mission Teams/Interns












Click Here to Give to Hogar Genesis



Saraid, Giselle, Salvador, Rodolfo


Click Here to Support Rodolfo & Saraid


Thank you for your on-going prayers and support for our project & Ministries in Iquitos, Peru!

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