Most Recent Updates
From Nebaj, Guatemala

July 2024: Your Support Makes a Difference!

We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, which makes our ministry possible. Here’s a heartwarming update from Carolina:

Meet this amazing family: a mother and daughter who are both blind and cared for by another incredible woman (pictured in the apron). Despite facing difficulties, they show strength and kindness. Your generous donations have allowed us to regularly visit them and provide essential supplies like black beans, corn, and rice.

We are committed to supporting them and will continue to visit to see what they need. Many of our teams know this family well, and we’re sure they’ll be happy to see that our help is ongoing.

Dr. Juan Pablo and Carolina’s efforts have been focused on providing quality healthcare to the community in Nebaj, Guatemala. Thank you for being a part of this journey and making such a meaningful impact. Your contributions bring hope and support to those who need it most.

July 2024: Exciting News from Nebaj!

We are thrilled to announce that the Hospital Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza in Nebaj has finally received a brand-new X-ray machine! 🎉

Dr. JP shares his excitement:

“Hello, this is Juan Pablo Noriega. I am very, very happy and excited to announce that we finally have our X-ray machine. As you can see, it’s a brand-new machine, and it’s going to be a great blessing for our patients and the region of Nebaj. This high-quality machine will provide essential medical services for the poor people of this region. We are very grateful to the Lord and all our friends who have been praying and to the generous donors who made this possible. Thank you very much, and God bless you.”

Thanks to your incredible generosity, we were able to cover the total cost of $110,000 for this vital piece of equipment! This X-ray machine will make a huge difference, providing reliable, high-quality medical imaging to those in need. Unlike the frequently broken public machines, this new equipment ensures that patients in Nebaj will receive the care they deserve.

Our next goal is to raise $130,000 for the hospital’s Operating Room. With your continued support, we can make this vision a reality and provide even more critical care to those in need.

June 2024: Report On Recent Updates

Our latest quarterly report is now available! Discover how your incredible support is transforming lives at Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza. From timely diagnoses to impactful community programs like the Maverick Men’s Group, your contributions are making a real difference.

Read the full report here to see the amazing progress you’ve helped us achieve.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!


June 2024: Happy Father’s Day!


In the heart of Nebaj, Guatemala, the Mavericks Men’s Ministry is transforming lives. Every Wednesday morning, men from all walks of life gather at Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza hospital to support and uplift each other. This group provides a safe space for men to discuss their struggles, grow in their faith, and become better fathers and husbands. The impact is profound, with many members experiencing significant positive changes in their personal lives and their roles within their families…

Discover how your support is improving mental health here!

June 2024: Support Life-Saving Surgical Care

Picture this: You’re in Nebaj, Guatemala, in need of urgent medical attention. You’re rushed into the operating room, but there’s no surgical table in sight. Or perhaps you’re scheduled for an X-ray, only to discover the room is bare.

It’s hard to fathom, isn’t it? But the reality is, at Hospital Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza, essential equipment isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. We’re launching a campaign to equip our operating room with LED lights, a phlegm aspirator, a generator, an operating room bed, trays, oxygen piping, and installation for the LED lights. Our goal? To raise $125,000 to ensure that every patient who walks through our doors receives the treatment they desperately need.

Your support is what keeps this hospital running. Without generous donors like you, we wouldn’t have the tools we need to provide life-saving care to the people of Nebaj. Together, we’re not just building a hospital—we’re building hope. Join us in making a difference today here. Your support is truly life-changing.

June 2024: Blog Post


Dive deeper into the impact of medical missions in Nebaj, Guatemala! Our latest blog post, written from Carolina’s perspective, sheds light on the incredible journey of serving the community at Hospital Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza. From medical care to spiritual guidance, every aspect of their work reflects their commitment to holistic healing. Donors like you play a vital role in making this mission possible.

Discover how your support is changing lives here!

April 2024

Calling all changemakers!

We believe in investing in the leaders of tomorrow, and that starts with supporting education in communities like Nebaj, Guatemala. The Hebron Vida y Esperanza School is more than just a place of learning—it’s a symbol of hope for children who deserve a brighter future.

With your support, we can continue to mould the young minds of Nebaj, shaping them into compassionate, empowered leaders who will drive positive change in their community and beyond. The children of hospital staff, motivated by the opportunities this school affords them, are inspiring their parents to continue their critical work at the hospital. The result? The hospital is better equipped to provide essential healthcare to those who need it most.

We aim to raise $12,000 to fully sponsor seven dedicated teachers who play a pivotal role in nurturing these young minds. Every donation brings us closer to this goal and helps ensure these children in Nebaj have access to quality education.

Give the gift of education here. Together, we can build a brighter future for all!

March 2024

Ola from Nebaj! 

We’re thrilled to share a special update with you all from our Director, Brad’s, recent visit to Nebaj, Guatemala. During his time there, he had the honour of spending quality time with Dr. JP and Carolina, who are doing incredible work at Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza. Their dedication and passion for serving the community are truly inspiring!

From exploring the hospital facilities to meeting the amazing staff and even spending time with a team from ImpactHope on a mission trip, every moment was filled with warmth and camaraderie. This trip gave Brad a newfound respect for all the hard work done by Dr. JP, Carolina, and their team, as well as a renewed sense of purpose for ImpactHope’s mission.

We’re excited to share a video and some pictures capturing some of the highlights from Brad’s visit. You’ll get a glimpse of the hospital’s activities, the bustling energy of the community, and the invaluable work being done to bring hope and healing to those in need. Join us in celebrating the progress we’ve made together. Your support has made a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals in Nebaj, and we’re deeply grateful for each and every one of you!

Thank you for being a part of ImpactHope’s journey. Together, we’re making a real impact and changing lives for the better! 

January 2024

Two years ago, Pastor Noe crossed paths with an extraordinary family in the depths of Nebaj, Guatemala – Rita, Julia, and Cata. Three resilient women, facing life’s challenges with unwavering strength and love.

Rita, a widow since a tender age, has bravely lived with blindness since childhood. Julia, her beloved daughter, gradually lost her vision due to a lack of timely medical attention. Cata, a kind-hearted person, became a shining light in their lives when they had no family or caregivers.

They live in a simple home that is not their own, and their financial struggles are reflected in their modest living conditions. However, their poverty goes beyond just money – they also yearn for spiritual fulfillment.

These women, despite facing challenges, show kindness and support for each other even in difficult situations. They radiate warmth and love, creating a strong community that defies their circumstances. Your support has enabled Pastor Noe to visit them three times, offering relief and hope for a brighter future.

Today, we share a glimpse of the impact your generosity has made – food supplies being distributed to Rita, Julia, and Cata. Through Pastor Noe’s efforts, these essential supplies are reaching the most vulnerable in the community, providing not just sustenance but also a ray of hope.

Will you bless many more like them here?

Nov 2023: Full Hospital Construction Tour

Years ago, Dr. Juan Pablo and Dr. Carolina Noriega had a dream – a hospital that would provide quality healthcare with respect and dignity for the community of Nebaj. This dream is slowly coming to life! Dr. JP and Caroline will take you on a tour of the new hospital building that is being built, thanks to your support! Thanks to your generosity, the hospital ‘Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza’ has been enabled to treat the community with compassion and respect.

The next phase of the hospital construction includes purchasing an x-ray machine, and other construction costs, totalling up to $300,000 CDN. By donating to the cause of healthcare, you have impacted the lives of many in the community of Nebaj, Guatemala.

November 2023

We’re ready to spread some joy and cheer from the heart of Nebaj! 

We have a special treat for you: a heartwarming video of the children at Hebron Vida y Esperanza school showcasing their incredible talents in celebration of Guatemala’s Independence Day. 

But as we celebrate, let’s also remember the cause that unites us – supporting their education. Our mission to raise $12,000 for the school and its teachers is still underway, and we need your help to keep the flame of learning alive for these incredible kids.

Your donation is not just about supporting their education; it’s about inspiring a brighter future, empowering their parents to continue their vital work at the hospital, and ensuring that healthcare is accessible to the most vulnerable in Nebaj. Click here and designate your donation to ‘EDUCATION’ to support the school!

A Journey of Transformation: Support Our Community School

Under Carolina’s dedicated leadership, we’ve witnessed the incredible impact of affordable, high-quality English-speaking education at Hebron Vida y Esperanza School. For years, this school has been the spark that ignites transformation in the hearts and minds of young learners in Nebaj.

But this journey doesn’t end here; it’s just the beginning! We’re excited to welcome 30 eager students in 2024, all ready to embark on an educational adventure that could change their lives. To make this possible, we need your support. Our goal is to raise $12,000 to support the school and fund seven dedicated teachers who are the guiding lights shaping the futures of these young minds.

Why is this so crucial? Because, with your generosity, we ensure that these children receive a top-notch education, but that’s not all. Your support motivates the parents of these young learners and our hospital staff, to continue their vital work with renewed dedication. This means the hospital can provide essential healthcare services to the most vulnerable in Nebaj, transforming lives and brightening the community’s future.

Donate today: Go here and designate your donation to ‘EDUCATION.’

Let’s create a brighter future together. Your contribution is not just a donation; it’s a catalyst for change.

Double a Lifesaving Impact:

Help Us Bring X-ray Technology to Nebaj! 

Imagine a place where compassion meets cutting-edge healthcare, hope is restored, and lives are transformed. That’s the story of Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza in Nebaj, Guatemala.  Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza is a true lifesaver for the community. They provide affordable and dignified healthcare to those who otherwise wouldn’t have access to it. It’s an incredible team of doctors and nurses working their tails off to improve the health and well-being of the community. But they’re facing a big problem right now—an issue we can solve together.

They urgently need a new X-ray machine. Here’s where YOU come in. A generous benefactor has pledged to match donations up to $20,000 for this campaign. That means every dollar you contribute will double the impact, bringing us one step closer to our goal.  We have until the end of the year to reach this milestone.

Make a tax-deductible donation today to help us meet our goal of $180,000 towards the purchase of the x-ray machine and other construction needs, which included the recent purchase of a generator and more. Donate here and have your gift matched, effectively doubling your impact! 

Join us in creating a ripple of hope that will touch the lives of countless families. Let’s stand together and empower the hospital to continue its life-saving work.

May 2023: Update Report

Thank you for partnering with us, Dr. Juan Pablo and Carolina Noriega, to support an amazing ministry caring for Guatemala’s most vulnerable and sick. 

  • The construction of the second floor of the hospital is progressing steadily. 
  •  The homeschool run by Carolina for the children of hospital staff now has four teachers.
  • Pastor Noe is serving the community, blessing staff, a men’s group and patients, through spiritual counselling and mentoring.
  • Read our highlight feature: an inspiring story about three remarkable women – Rita, Julia, and Cata, two of whom are blind. 

May 2023

Pastor Noé Martínez has been doing ministry work in Nebaj for over 15 years. The ‘hospitalito’ (Life and Hope Medical Services) has also given him the privilege of having the ministry of chaplaincy. Among other permanent activities, Noe counsels patients and hospital workers and prays for them. 

A Men’s Ministry group was the fruit of the labour of the hospital construction in 2016. This Men’s Group is called the Mavericks, and they meet every Wednesday at 6 a.m. These meetings are now held in the new conference rooms in the new hospital building. (Thanks to YOUR support, the construction of the hospital is progressing!) These men come from all different walks of life but pledge to support each other daily.

We know that prayer plays pivotal roles in wellness, coping with illness and loss, and promoting healing and recovery. Pastor Noe’s ministry with the patients at the hospital brings a sense of peace to them. Pastor Noe also helps out at a hardware store that belongs to the hospital. 

Your support has enabled our partners in Nebaj to provide affordable, dignified healthcare and generate employment for hundreds of individuals like Pastor Noe! ImpactHope focuses on long-term sustainable solutions that eventually create social and economic ripple effects!

April 2023: Small Team, Big Impact!

Our third group of volunteers recently travelled to Nebaj from Ontario. This group of 16 is mainly assisting in constructing the second floor. Besides helping with construction projects, the teams accompany a local pastor on house visits in the community. Volunteers sometimes assist in small home maintenance projects or help address minor repairs.

So far, two teams have travelled from Alberta in February and Ontario in March. With the help of several Teams serving through ImpactHope, much construction work has been completed for the first and second floors. We still have a long way to go, and we are anticipating big things for this project!

March 2023: Compassion In Healthcare

Agatha and her husband had been married for almost twenty years when they received the miraculous news that Agatha was pregnant at the age of forty. They already had an older daughter and were shocked and apprehensive about the news. Nonetheless, they accepted it with joy and enthusiasm and began to prepare for the arrival of their child.

At 8 weeks, Agatha received some tragic news..

Read Agatha’s story of heartbreak and healing in our latest blog post here.

The hospital provides much-needed medical care to the most vulnerable in the community who cannot access it elsewhere. Compassion is essential to healthcare at the Nebaj Hospital, as it improves the quality of care and the patient’s experience. Your generous contributions have helped our partners purchase essential hospital equipment like an ultrasound machine. We are grateful for your support!

January 2023: Get Inspired By The Little Hospital!

Bob Pauw’s first mission trip to Guatemala changed his life. He continued going every year for the next ten years until the pandemic. These interactions and the opportunity to support the efforts of Dr. Juan Pablo and Carolina changed how he saw healthcare, poverty and community development. His many mission trips inspired him to write a book about his involvement with this project in Nebaj.

The book Hospitalito – The Little Hospital was just published on 22nd January this year. The sale proceeds of this book will go towards the Nebaj project.

Every donation above $100 towards the Nebaj Hospital Project gets a free book. Get your own copy by donating here.

December 2022: Thank You for the Fellowship!

We are elated to have conducted THE HOUR with Dr. Juan Pablo and his wife, Carolina, on December 07, 2022. It was great to connect over shared interests in the Nebaj project, and we hope to continue a long-standing relationship with our supporters. We are grateful to all who took the time to fellowship with us. Your support will ensure that everyone within the community can access dignified, affordable healthcare.

To recap the event, Hannah, our Director of Development, opened the session. Brad, Director of ImpactHope, led the discussion with JP and Carolina. We talked about how the construction of the hospital has progressed and Carolina’s vision for her school. We also shared the documentary made on the Nebaj project and a short video about Carolina’s school for the children of hospital staff. JP and Carolina are two of the most hard-working and humble people we have worked with, and our supporters feel the same!

You can still participate; here’s how!

  • If God moves your heart, please consider contributing to the school, as it is looking for four teachers to be sponsored. Our goal is to raise $6500.
  • Advocate for us! We genuinely believe in the power of advocacy. Please talk about us and the needs of the project with your network. Sharing our videos can be as simple as a social media post or a WhatsApp message.

We are counting on God to meet our needs as we draw nearer to the year’s end. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions!

November 2022: Join us for THE HOUR!

Join us for ‘THE HOUR’ with Juan Pablo and Carolina from Nebaj, Guatemala, on Dec 07, 2022, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.! Grab a hot drink and join us from the comfort of your own home.

We invite you to listen to the amazing things happening in their ministries; hospital, home school program, discipleship, and more! During this session, you will hear about what is happening and gain insight into future projects directly from our partners! This is your opportunity to interact and fellowship with JP and Carolina.

Thank you to those who have or are currently supporting the ministry in Nebaj! We are grateful for you and are excited to see you during The Hour.

An invite has already been emailed to our donors. For those who want to know more about the Nebaj project, we would love for you to join us!

November 2022: The School

Carolina Noriega oversees a home school for her hospital staff’s children so that they may gain a high-quality education. Her solid faith pushes her to serve the patients and community members that connect with her.

Access to an affordable, high-quality English-speaking education motivates the parents to continue in the hospital. The school anticipates the number of students to rise to 20 in the coming year. There are currently three teachers, and a fourth teacher needs to be hired. The teachers are supported by outside funding to help the hospital keep its staff.

The school is looking for FOUR teachers to be sponsored, and we aim to raise $6500 for this purpose! With your support, we can make this project sustainable and help fund the hospital in Nebaj.

Bless the school and the community of Nebaj today by sponsoring these teachers here. (DESIGNATE TO ‘EDUCATION’ IN THE COMMENTS).

October 2022: Construction Updates

The hospital building is slowly taking shape! Thanks to your support, medical equipment is being installed, and the wards are being completed. 

Workers at the Nebaj Hospital
Workers at the hospital.
Wards at the Nebaj Hospital
Wards for patients.
Construction at the Nebaj Hospital
Newly built facility at the hospital.

August 2022: Construction Updates

Thanks to your generous gifts, a heavy-duty generator has been purchased and installed!

Generator arriving at the hospital
Generator arriving at the hospital.
Generator at the hospital
Generator being installed at the hospital.
Dr. JP with his staff.

August 2022: Brian’s Mission Trip

Many groups have travelled to Nebaj to volunteer and assist in the construction through the years. Brian, Sarah, and their two children travelled to Nebaj at their own expense in August to assist in the construction of the hospital, experience life amongst the local people, and create a general awareness of their living conditions. Their goal was to simply serve and learn with the people – learn about life in Guatemala, the needs of the community, and the opportunities that exist.

Brian shot a short documentary about the project during his time there. This is a powerful and deeply moving work highlighting the project’s history and the impact it has on the community of Nebaj. 

Watch the video on our YouTube channel or click on the video linked here.

July 2022: Construction Updates

The hospital construction is progressing, thanks to your support!

This week the doors are being placed in the tomography and laboratory area. They are metal doors that are extremely heavy and were made that way to prevent radiation from escaping.

We are already moving the dental clinic to the new building. The floor of the room where the power plant will be installed is being drilled. In Nebaj, the electricity service is very irregular, and we need a reliable power source to ensure the hospital’s different health services are not interrupted.

June 2022:

Testimony by Ed Kupiery: How Federico’s Family came to the Lord

I have been to Guatemala 13 times since 2006 to do volunteer work. The most impactful part of these trips is our home visits with local families. The local pastor usually arranges these visits. Generally, 3 team members, the pastor, and an interpreter go on such visits. I would like to highlight one such visit I was part of, along with many follow-up visits over the next 12 years. During our time in Nebaj in February 2010, Marijke, Teresa, and I visited Federico and Maria. 

The visit was suggested by Pedro, a local businessman and church member who knew the family. When we arrived, Maria was home with three children, aged 1 to 10. We started with small talk and why we were in Guatemala. After a while, we were about to leave when Federico came home from his job as a schoolteacher. We talked with him for a while, and before we left, we invited them to come to church. The following Sunday, they did come to church. The next day we had to travel back to Guatemala City for our flight back to Canada. Fast forward a year, and I was again in Nebaj. During the first church service there, I recognized Federico, and as the service ended, we went to see each other. Federico excitedly told me that he had accepted Jesus as his Saviour but added that his wife, Maria, had not, and would we please pray for her. I went to visit them in their home to encourage them. Another year passed, and this time my son-in-law, Domingo, was with us as a translator. A number of us were chatting with Federico, while Domingo was talking with Maria.
Suddenly, Maria burst into tears, and Domingo shared with us that Maria had given her life to Christ 2 weeks prior but hadn’t shared it with anyone, not even her husband, as she was processing this. Soon the whole group was in tears, tears of joy at this wonderful news. Over the next few years, I made a point of visiting this family each time I was in Nebaj. During one such visit, Todd, a fellow team member, who is fluent in Spanish, asked the oldest son, who was now about 18 years old, if he was a believer, to which he answered that he was not. We challenged him to continue to pray and read the Bible. During my most recent visit in April-May of 2022, Simon and I went to see the family, and the oldest son shared that he was now a believer, and with a smile on his face, Federico told us that all five family members believed. To hear this wonderful news makes all the effort and expense of the trips worthwhile. God is great! All the time!

Watch the whole video here.

Shared and written by Ed Kuipery

May 2022

Years ago, Dr. Juan Pablo and Dr. Carolina Noriega had a dream – a hospital that would provide quality healthcare with respect and dignity for the community of Nebaj. This dream is slowly coming to life! Dr. JP and Caroline will take you on a tour of the new hospital building that is being built, thanks to your support!

April 2022 – Update Report

  • We are happy to announce that our first short-term mission team post-pandemic arrived in Nebaj, Guatemala, last month!
  • The Nebaj ministry has not only been a blessing to the patients, but it has also blessed the lives of all those involved with the ministry through income-generating opportunities and support groups.
  • Read all the updates for the last quarter from the Nebaj ministry here!
Nebaj Updates March 2022 - thumbnail

April 2022

This World Health Day (Apr 7), we want to remember those people for whom helping people, and sharing their hopes and pain, is a way of life! ImpactHope is partnering with Dr. Juan Pablo and Carolina Noriega, whose efforts have been focused on providing quality healthcare to the community in Nebaj, Guatemala.

March 2022

Helping people, sharing their hopes and pain, seeing them recover: this is a way of life for Miguel Brito. Miguel is one of the clinical laboratory technicians at the Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza, a hospital in Nebaj, Guatemala. In addition to the hospital, the Nebaj ministry has a church, a hospital lab, and 2 auxiliary nursing schools.

Miguel’s story is one of hope, promise and determination! Several years ago, Miguel took a diploma course in a Bible Institute associated with hospital ministry. It was during the progression of this course, that the ministry workers came in contact with Miguel. He was encouraged to enter the medical field and he studied to become a nursing assistant at the hospital’s nursing school. Miguel’s hard work and dedication paid off, and he was hired as a nursing assistant in the ultrasound department. He continued his studies to become a laboratory technician and passed with flying colours!

Through education, Miguel found success, confidence, and belief in himself. Being a father of two, Miguel is himself now working to give back to the community. The hospital ministry is now sponsoring the education of one of his children through a scholarship!

Miguel Brito

Thanks to your generosity, the hospital has been enabled to train hundreds of bright students like Miguel, who have found success and the motivation to learn. 

ImpactHope is partnering with Dr. Juan Pablo and Carolina Noriega, whose efforts have been focused on providing quality healthcare to the community. The hospital is currently running and accepting patients, providing healthcare and dental care, while a new building is being built. The next phase includes the purchase of an x-ray machine, a generator, and other construction costs, totaling up to $300,000 CDN. The current focus is to purchase the generator to provide electricity for the whole building during power outages in the town. It is estimated at $60,000 and we pray that you are moved to support this cause at

Please know that every little bit counts. We thank you for your prayers and support.

December 1, 2021

Covid-19 has delayed the efforts of construction as the present clinic needed financial support for ongoing expenses for a couple of months. The pouring of cement on the first floor of the new hospital was finished by the end of 2019 and then the pouring of cement on the second floor was completed during February 2020.

With the help of several Teams serving through ImpactHope, a lot of construction work was completed before Covid-19 hit. Electrical work was also completed throughout the whole building! The next step is to paint the walls and lay down the tiles for the flooring of the building. A generator is also needed to provide electricity for the whole building. To see what is left needed and how you can help, click here to view the needs to fully complete the first floor of the new hospital!

October 2021 – An Exciting Update from the Hospital in Nebaj, Guatemala!

The look of the hospital (Servicios Medicos Vida y Esperanza) is taking shape! We are so close to seeing the first floor open for patients to be cared for. See the needs below and help us raise the funds for what’s left needed!