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From Orphanhood to Opportunity


Introduction: An Orphan with Big Dreams

In a world filled with hardships and adversity, the story of Ronnie, a 14-year-old boy with boundless dreams, shines as a beacon of hope and resilience. Despite the many tragedies he has faced in his young life, Ronnie remains quietly assured of a brighter future, thanks to the transformative support of Shelter of Hope (SOH), a Christian non-profit organization supported by ImpactHope, that is making a profound impact in Kenya.

A Difficult Beginning

Ronnie’s journey began with profound loss. Orphaned at the tender age of three, he never had the chance to know his parents, who tragically succumbed to HIV/AIDS. With his world turned upside down, Ronnie found himself under the care of his aging grandmother, who did her best to provide for him and his three siblings. Life was a daily struggle, marked by hunger and the absence of basic necessities.

When my parents passed, I couldn’t recall exactly who I was. But, one thing I could tell, I was very young and naive. And I could only remember growing up with my grandmother as my mother, father, and my everything,” Ronnie recalls of those early years.

A Ray of Hope

Ronnie’s fortunes began to change when his story came to the attention of Shelter of Hope through a local partner, Grace Bible Chapel. The director of SOH, Ishmael, was deeply moved by the young boy’s plight and wasted no time in enrolling him in their child sponsorship program when he was just five years old.

Ronnie’s path to a brighter future started at kindergarten, where he was not only provided with education but also two nutritious meals a day, books, pens, uniforms, and occasional sponsor gifts, which brought smiles to his face. Letters from sponsors became a source of encouragement, motivating Ronnie to work hard and instilling a sense of worth within him. Medical services from the Shelter of Hope clinic ensured his well-being.

Ronnie's story is a testament to the life-changing impact of your donations.

Hope in the Face of Challenges

However, Ronnie’s journey has been marked by health challenges due to his HIV/AIDS condition. Ronnie has had some health issues because of the ARV medication he takes, which have made him miss school lessons now and then.

 Yet, his determination remains unshaken.

Today, Ronnie is in grade 7, excelling in his studies with a particular fondness for Social Studies and Religious Studies. He aspires not to disappoint those who have extended their helping hands. “The care and support I have got from Shelter of Hope has made me see a great future,” he declares.

Ronnie is optimistic, with dreams that soar as high as the Kenyan sky. He dreams of becoming a lawyer, despite his grandmother’s suggestion of a career in law enforcement. His unwavering confidence and resilience are a testament to the belief that big things lie ahead.

“But I would like to be a lawyer. I know I will make it. I won’t let myself down, I give myself hope each day that I will be a great person God created me to be,” Ronnie narrates.


Shelter of Hope, Kenya is a Christian non-profit organization registered under the Societies Act. Shelter of Hope (SOH) has the call and responsibility of reaching out to the children and youth who are orphans and vulnerable by providing spiritual nourishment, education, and income-generating activities to enable them to be independent. Through the course of our work, we have also initiated programs for women through empowerment strategies and material support for elderly widows.

Shelter of Hope addresses not only the issue of education but also food, water, and health. Many lives are being impacted and changed through education, food, and infrastructure support. Donations towards SOH Education are also used to cover dormitory costs for children whose parents have passed away.

Join Us in Re-Writing Ronnie’s Destiny!

Ronnie’s story is a testament to the life-changing impact of organizations like Shelter of Hope. By sponsoring and supporting the education of children like Ronnie, we are not just offering hope; we are nurturing dreams, empowering futures, and lighting the way to a brighter tomorrow. Join us in making a difference and helping children like Ronnie achieve their aspirations by sponsoring a student at Shelter of Hope. Maybe you would like to help ensure reliable transportation by giving to the school bus campaign. You can also give a gift or support the transformative work that Shelter of Hope is doing on a monthly basis. Together, we can rewrite the narratives of countless young lives and turn dreams into reality.

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