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Shelter of Hope Academy – Report #2


A Thank You From The Director: Your Partnership Is Changing Lives!

“It’s hard to believe that the new school year is just around the corner. A time where many of us start to return to normal schedules and for many, go back to school. You have been one of the reasons why children in Kenya can attend school, and we are so thankful. At times like this, I thank God for people like you.

Your partnership has given hope and help to several children in the Kisumu & Nandi County of Kenya. When you give to Shelter of Hope, you are investing in the future of children who are struggling in poverty. Your great kindness through the support of Shelter of Hope has given the gift of education to children like Elizabeth, whose story always brings me to tears. Like many children around the world, Elizabeth was in desperate need of help to attend school, and due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on her family’s livelihood, the situation became even more dire.

Thank you for helping children, like Elizabeth. You have provided them with access to education, food, and medical care! You are changing the lives of these children!”

– Brad Wilson
(Director of ImpactHope)

Finding Hope Through Education: Elizabeth’s Story

Elizabeth and her family live in a remote village of Kagan, along the shores of Lake Victoria. When Elizabeth was about 1 year old, her Dad passed away, leaving her mother as a widow with three young children. Not too long after, Elizabeth’s Mother became disabled and as a result, their family faced immense challenges throughout her early childhood years.

When Elizabeth first came to Shelter of Hope Academy, she didn’t trust that she was safe or was in a place that would provide for her, beyond education… (continue reading on SOH’s 2021 Report #2).

“I am a grade 6 student at Shelter of Hope Academy in Nairobi. Covid-19 has affected livelihoods, my family included. I am thankful for Shelter of Hope Academy because it has been of great help. At school, I’ve attended psychological counselling sessions to help with my trauma.” – Elizabeth A.

About Shelter of Hope 

Shelter of hope Kenya is a Christian non-profit organization registered under the societies act. We have the call and responsibility to reach out to the children and youth who are orphans and vulnerable by providing spiritual nourishment, education, and income-generating activities to enable them to be independent. Through the course of our work, we have initiated programs for women through empowerment strategies and material support to the elderly widows.

Shelter of Hope not only addresses the issue of education but also, food, water, and health. Through student sponsorship, food support, and infrastructure support, many lives are being impacted and changed. Individuals to assist in the construction of the second floor of the school. Business people are needed to assist in creatively developing businesses and training individuals so that VMK could reach a greater measure of sustainability. Medical teams are needed to provide health care for those living in poverty.

Click Here to learn more about Shelter of Hope Academy Academy

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